TAPS Workshop Spring Schedule (2023-2024)

TAPS Workshop Presents: (02/14) “Writing for the Artful: On Contemporary Arts Writing (Part II)”

TAPS Workshop Presents: 2/13 Patrick Murphy, “Space and Processional Movement in Trinidad’s Nineteenth-Century Riots”

Protected: Paper Access: 2/13/24 Patrick Murphy @ TAPS Workshop

TAPS Workshop Presents: 2/19 em irvin, “Porography: A Micropolitical Performance Practice of Writing Pores”

Protected: Paper Access: 2/10/24 em irvin @ TAPS Workshop

TAPS Workshop Winter Schedule (2023-2024)

TAPS Workshop Presents: Mori Reithmayr, “Identity as Liberatory Practice: José Sarria’s Performance Archive, and the Making of Nelly Queens, 1953-1963”

Protected: Access 12/5 Paper

TAPS Workshop Presents: TAPSGIVING FW: 11/21 @ the TAPS Workshop : Mama Gloria (2020) Screening & Response from PhD Student Jamie Lee