Monday, March 10, 2014 12:00 noon-1:25 pm Swift Hall, Room 200
Crossing Boundaries: Theologies and Disagreement
Join the Theology Workshop for a dialogue between Lisa Hedrick and Russell Johnson, presented in the form of two papers.
Lisa will explore taking disagreement seriously. How do we see the experience of disagreement as something to take into account in adjudicating truth claims? And what does it mean to us as truth-seekers that everyone seems to think they are right, taking the certainty of another seriously, and opening up space to draw out the potential implications of irreconcilability? What, in extension, does this say about us as human beings and the world, that there is such radical disagreement?
Russell’s contribution will draw on Wendell Berry’s essay “Why I am Not Going to Buy a Computer,” the criticism it received, and Berry’s rejoinders. He will develop a quick typology of kinds of criticism/disagreement. Second, using those categories, he will make a few semi-practical suggestions for how theologians can think about the disagreements they may find themselves in.
To prepare for Russell’s talk, participants should read Wendell Berry’s short essay, “Why I am Not Going to Buy A Computer.”
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A light lunch will be served.