THRIVE Collective is a collaboration with UChicagoGRAD Diversity & Inclusion, Student Counseling Services and Student Support Services to provide emotional wellness workshops to help students thrive during adverse times and encourage utilization of university resources.

Past workshops have included topics such as impostor syndrome and cultivating unconditional self-worth. Our next workshop, facilitated by Khanh Nghiem, will focus on the importance of self-care. These workshop are just one of the tools available for stress and mental health management. Student Counseling Services has a large number of services available for mental health, wellness, and medical services. Additionally, our other partner, Student Support Services has a hallmark program to support students facing food insecurity. Please join us for our next session (see info below).

Upcoming Workshop Opportunity

THRIVE Workshop: Self-Care to Increase Productivity and Resiliency
Wednesday, February 5th, 12 PM-1:30 PM, 5710 S. Woodlawn
Students in a highly competitive environment, such as UChicago may feel intense pressure to succeed even at the cost of our well-being. We might sacrifice sleep, skip meals, or withdraw socially to work harder and get more done. Underrepresented minority students are especially impacted. When we stop caring for ourselves we often struggle to keep up with our work, engage with our friends and family in the way that we would like, and have a fulfilling life. Join us in this workshop to learn more about ways to care for ourselves in an active, empowering way to increase productivity and resiliency. FREE LUNCH PROVIDED. RSVP required via GRAD Gargoyle

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