Daily Archives: October 12, 2009

María José Álvarez Faedo on the Translation of Don Quixote’s Humor

For our third meeting, which will be held on a Monday, the Workshop is excited to feature a presentation by María José Álvarez Faedo, Professor of Comparative Literature at the Universidad de Oviedo, who will speak on:

“Don Quixote’s Voyage to Perfidious Albion: The Translation of Humour and Satire in 18th-Century English Versions of Cervantes’s Masterpiece”

As always, light refreshments and conversation will follow the presentation.

Monday, 10/19/2009, 4:30-6:00pm in Wieboldt 207.

Lina Bolzoni on Art and Literature

Our second meeting will feature a presentation by renowned Renaissance scholar Lina Bolzoni, Professor at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and at NYU, who will share her recent work on the intersection of word and image in a talk on:

“A Window into the Heart: Double-sided Portraits and Literary Models”

As always, light refreshments and enlightening discussion to follow.

Friday, 10/16/2009, 12:00-1:20pm in CWAC 156.