Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Ryan Giles and Niall Atkinson, I would like to present the new Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop schedule for the academic year 2011-2012. Please note that meetings will take place in Wieboldt 207 at noon unless otherwise indicated on the schedule. Any changes to the schedule will be announced in advance to the Workshop list-serv at and posted here on this blog.
Friday, October 7, 2011
James Nemiroff, (Ph.D Student, The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, The University of Chicago) will present a paper entitled “Esther as Crypto-Jew: Hermeneutics “in reverse” in Lope de Vega’s La hermosa Ester (1610).
Respondent: Victoria Grefer, (Ph.D Student, The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, The University of Chicago)
A copy of the paper can be found here
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Yuen Gen Liang, Assistant Professor of History at Wheaton College will present a paper based on his book project entitled Family and Empire: The Fernández de Córdoba and the Spanish Realm.
There is no precirculated paper for this talk.
***Please note the unusual day of the week**
Friday, October 14, 2011
Andrew Cashner (Ph.D Student, History and Theory of Music, The University of Chicago) will present a paper entitled “Playing Cards at the Eucharistic Table: The Surprising Theology of a Mexican Villancico for Corpus Christi 1628 and its Social Implications.”
Respondants: Mary Channen Caldwell, Ph.D Candidate, Music History and Theory, The University of Chicago
James Nemiroff, Ph.D Student, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, The University of Chicago
A copy of the paper can be found here.
Also, a recording of the surviving music for the villancico may be found at the following link: Padilla 1628 A que el juego (organ). The work is originally for a six-voice chorus and soloists with instruments. The two extant voice parts are placed here on the organ by Andrew Cashner. The musical score is included at the end of the paper.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Professor Celso Martins Azar Filho (Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) will present a paper entitled: “The Idea of Reform in Montaigne’s Essays”
There is no precirculated paper for this talk.
*** Please note the unusual day of the week***
Friday, October 28, 2011
Professor Emilio Ros Fábregas (2011-2012 Joan Corromines Visiting Chair of Catalan Studies; Permanent Researcher in Musicology at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas in Barcelona) will present and discuss a paper entitled: “How should we read, sing or record the Cancionero de Uppsala (Venice: Scotto, 1556): From Beginning to End?”
Respondent: Andrew Cashner (Ph.D Student, History and Theory of Music, The University of Chicago)
There is no precirculated paper for this talk. However, Prof. Ros-Fabregas asks that Workshop participants study the following documents carefully before attending the Workshop:
A copy of the abstract of the abstract for his talk, which can be found here.
A copy of the Poems of the Cancionero de Uppsala which can be found here.
Thursday November 10 and Friday November 11, 2011
Leonard Barkan (Class of 1943 Professor and Chair of the Department of Comparative Literature, Princeton University) Co-sponsored with the Renaissance Workshop, The Poetry and Poetics Workshop, The Rhetoric and Poetics Workshop, The Nicholson Center for British Studies and the History and Forms of Lyric Lecture Series.
November 10 at 4:30 PM in the Social Sciences Tea Room: Lecture: “Michelangelo: Scribbles, Doodles, Poetry.” A reception to follow.
November 11 at 1 PM in Rosenwald 405 : Workshop: Selections from Unswept Floor: Food Culture and High Culture, Antiquity and Renaissance.
***Please note the unusual day of the week***
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Ingrid Greenfield (Ph.D Student, Department of Art History, The University of Chicago) will present and discuss a paper entitled: “Ethiopia in the Uffizi: Collecting African Kings in Sixteenth Century Florence.”
Respondent: Kelli Wood (Ph.D Student, Department of Art History, The University of Chicago)
A copy of Ingrid’s paper can be found here
***Please note the unusual day of the week***
Friday, January 20, 2012
Felipe Rojas (Ph.D Candidate, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, The University of Chicago) will present and discuss a paper entitled: “Las mujeres sin hombre (1613-1618): A Metaphor of Habsburg Dynastic Marriages.” Co-sponsored with the Renaissance Workshop.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Marco Ruffini (Associate Professor of Italian Studies and Adjunct Professor in Art History, Northwestern University) will present and discuss a paper entitled: “Leon Battista Alberti on the Surface”.
A copy of the paper can be found at the following link:
Friday, February 3, 2012
Daisy Delogu (Associate Professor of French Literature, The University of Chicago) Title TBD. Co-sponsored with the Medieval Workshop.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Jorge Abril-Sánchez (Ph.D Candidate, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, The University of Chicago and Visiting Instructor of Spanish at Wake Forest University) will present and discuss a paper entitled “Spain’s First Renaissance Demonologist, Rodrigo Fernández de Santaella and his Tratado de la inmortalidad del anima(1503).”
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Maggie Fritz-Morkin (Ph.D Candidate, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, The University of Chicago) Title of Paper TBD.
April 11, 2012
Miguel Martinez, Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, the University of Chicago, will present and discuss a paper entitled “Language, Nation and Empire in Early Modern Iberia”
April 20, 2012
Joana Konova, Ph.D Candidate in the Department of Art History, The University of Chicago, Title TBD.
April 24, 2012
Michel Magnien, Professor of French Literature at the Université de Sorbonne Nouvelle. Title TBD.
Prof. Magnien´s talk is co-sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.
Note: Please note the special day of the week.
May 9, 2012
Lucy Freeman Sandler, Professor of Art History Emerita, New York University, will offer the keynote address for the conference “On the Edge: Medieval Margins and the Margins of Academic Life” The conference and Prof. Sandler´s keynote address is co-sponsored by the Art History Department.
Please note the special day of the week
May 14, 2012
Gregory Baum, Ph.D Candidate in the Department of Comparative Literature, The University of Chicago will present and discuss a paper entitled “Greater Thieves than Caucus: Tracing Fidelity in Thomas Shelton.” This event is co-sponsored by the Renaissance Workshop and will take place at 5 PM in Rosenwald 405.
Please note the unusual time, day of the week and location.
May 25, 2012
Amaia Gabantxo, Lecturer in Basque at the University of Chicago, Title TBD.
People having any questions or concerns about the Workshop or needing any assistance in attending these events should contact the Graduate Student Coordinators James Nemiroff ( and Diana Aramburu ( We look forward to seeing you at our meetings.