Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Miguel Martínez and Rocco Rubini, it is our pleasure to announce the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop schedule for the winter quarter 2012. All meetings will be held in Wieboldt 207 at 1:30 PM unless otherwise indicated on the schedule.
Friday January 25 at 2:00
Roni Kubati, PH. D Candidate in Italian will present. Title TBA
Friday February 8 at 2:30 PM
Maggie Fitz-Morkin, PH.D Candidate in Italian will present and discuss, “Obscenity and Pedagogy in Petrarch’s Invective Contra Medicum.”
Respondent: Lawrence Hooper
Friday February 15 at 2:00 PM
Juan Camilo Acevedo, Ph. D Candidate in Spanish will present and discuss, “Cut, Copy and Paste: Publishing and Authorship in the Spanish Golden Age”
Respondent: Jose Estrada
Friday March 1 at 12:00 PM
Hosted in CWAC Room 152. Sharon Kinoshita, Professor of Literature, University of California Santa Cruz will present and discuss, “Re-orientations: The Worlding of Marco Polo.” This talk is co-sponsored with the Medieval Workshop.
Friday March 15 at 2:00 PM
Jeffrey Kwesi Coleman, Ph. D Candidate in Spanish will present and discuss a chapter of his dissertation, TBA
Respondent: Susana Perez
We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!
Best Regards,
James Nemiroff and David Reher
Graduate Student Coordinators
Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop
PS: Those requiring assistance to attend these events should contact the Graduate Student Coordinator David Reher at