Western Mediterranean Workshop 2013-14 Call for Papers
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Niall Atkinson and Robert Kendrick, the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop warmly invites all graduate students to submit papers for our coming year. Submissions can include portions of dissertation chapters and developing articles. The precirculation of graduate student papers is highly encouraged to increase participation in the Workshop, but is not required.
The Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop explores intellectual questions surrounding the cultures of five regions/countries (France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and North Africa, including parts of the Ottoman Empire) during the Medieval and Early Modern Periods. The workshop seeks to involve a variety of backgrounds and disciplines, including many from the Departments of Romance Languages and Literatures, Art History, Music, and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations.
While most meetings will be held from 12:00-1:30 in WB 207 on select Fridays, we are able to accommodate your schedule should you need to present at another time. Please email the Graduate Student Coordinator David Reher at dmreher@uhicago.edu. detailing your interest and preferred term (fall, winter or spring ) to present, along with a brief paragraph that offers an overview of your project.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our meetings!
Best Regards,
David Reher
Graduate Student Coordinator
Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop
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