Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, we would like to invite you to attend our next Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop meeting co-sponsored with the Katz Center for Mexican Studies. On Monday, November 24, Martha Lilia Tenorio, Professor at the Colegio de México and Visiting Professor at The University of Chicago, presents “Una versión original de la Poética de Boileau: la traducción del Padre Alegre.” Miguel Martínez, Assistant Professor of Spanish at The University of Chicago will be our respondent. The meeting will be held in Rosenwald 405 at 12:00 PM. Please, find the link to the paper below. Notice that the text as well as the meeting are in Spanish. We hope to see you there.
Best regards,
Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop
University of Chicago