Protected: Katrina Powers, University of Chicago, presents “Susanna’s Bath: Blaming the Blameless in Francisco de la Torre’s La justicia y la verdad.”
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Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, we want to remind you of an upcoming event.
Monday, May 4, 12:00 PM in Rosenwald 405 | Katrina Powers
Ph.D. Student, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago,
“Susanna’s Bath: Blaming the Blameless in Francisco de la Torre’s La justicia y la verdad.” Respondent: James Nemiroff. The paper will be pre-circulated (accessible on our blog).
We hope to see you there!
Best regards,
Sarah Atkinson and Anatole Upart
Graduate Student Coordinators
Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop
The University of Chicago