Monthly Archives: December 2015

Winter Quarter 2016

Winter Quarter 2016

January 11 | Hilary Barker
Ph.D. Student, Department of Art History, University of Chicago
“Image as Paratext: A Study of Visual Dissonance in the Image Practice of the Giolito Press in Venice, 1542-1573.”

February 8 | Bretton Rodriguez
Associate Faculty, Department of World Language Studies, Indiana University South Bend
Title TBA

February 22 | William Tronzo
Visiting Professor, Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego
“Intermediality as poiesis:  on the permanence of the ephemeral in twelfth-century Palermo.”

March 2 | Niall Atkinson
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Art History and the College, Department of Art History, University of Chicago. Title TBD. This event is co-sponsored by the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop and is organized by RAVE (Research in Art & Visual Evidence Workshop of the Department of Art History of the University of Chicago). Location: Wednesday, Cochrane Woods Art Center, room 152.

March 7 | Heather E. Grossman
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title TBA

All events happen on Mondays at 1 PM in Wieboldt 106, unless otherwise noted.

Monday, December 7 | 10:30AM in Harper 141 | José Estrada, University of Chicago, “‘El monstro con su figura’: la autofiguración transatlántica en el teatro de Ruiz de Alarcón.”

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, we want to invite you to an upcoming event.

On Monday, December 7, at 10:30AM in Harper 141, José Estrada, PhD Student, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago, will present his dissertation proposal “‘El monstro con su figura’: la autofiguración transatlántica en el teatro de Ruiz de Alarcón.” The proposal is available at this blog. The respondent will be Catalina Ospina, PhD Student, Department of Art History, University of Chicago.

We hope to see you there!

Best regards,

Sarah Atkinson and Anatole Upart

Graduate Student Coordinators

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop

The University of Chicago