Category Archives: Announcements

Enrique García Santo-Tomás presents “Glass Matters: Science (and) Fiction in the Spain of Cervantes”

Friday November 22nd at 4:30 in Wieboldt 207

Enrique García Santo-Tomás, Professor at the University of Michigan, presents “Glass Matters: Science (and) Fiction in the Spain of Cervantes”

Poster attached:  Enrique García Santo-Tomás

Please note: a Reception will follow, and there will be no paper pre-circulated.  This talk will be presented on the same day as Sharon Stocchia’s.

CANCELED: Jeffrey Coleman presents “Immigration Perspectives in Juan Diego Botto’s El privilegio de ser perro”

Friday November 8th at 12:00 PM in Wieboldt 207–Jeffrey Coleman, Ph. D candidate in Romance Languages presents a dissertation chapter entitled  “Immigration Perspectives in Juan Diego Botto’s El privilegio de ser perro”


PLEASE NOTE: Eric Dursteler’s lecture at the Newberry institute entitled A place that very well represents the Tower of Babel”: Linguistic Pluralism and the Ecology of Language in the Early Modern Mediterranean.  Please see more here:

We will organize a carpool to leave U-Chicago at 1:15; please contact if you’re interested.

Luciano García Lorenzo presents “Torcuato Tarragó y la pasión amorosa del clérigo Antonio Mira de Amescua”

Tuesday October 15th at 3:00 PM in Wieboldt 207

Luciano Garcia Lorenzo, Professor and investigator at the Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, presents “Torcuato Tarragó y la pasión amorosa del clérigo Antonio Mira de Amescua”

Andrew Cashner presents ‘”Suspend, O Heavens, Your Sweet Chant’: Heavenly Dissonance in a Villancico by Joan Cererols (Montserrat, c. 1660)”

Friday October 11th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207

Andrew Cashner, Ph.D candidate in Music History presents a dissertation chapter entitled  ‘”Suspend, O Heavens, Your Sweet Chant’: Heavenly Dissonance in a Villancico by Joan Cererols (Montserrat, c. 1660)”

Respondent: Martha  Lira Tenorio, visiting professor of Hispanic literature; a light snack will be provided

Abstract below:

I invite workshop participants to discuss a chapter draft from my dissertation on theological understandings of music in 17th-century Hispanic villancicos. The chapter presents a villancico for Christmas (set to music by the Catalan monk Joan Cererols), which contrasts the imperfect music of the spheres with the “new consonance” brought into the world through the voice of the newborn Christ. I trace the poetic text through about eight different imprints between 1650 and 1700, which represent multiple textual traditions; and I analyze three surviving musical versions in the context of contemporary theology and cosmology. The poem is rather complex and the textual traditions even more so, and I would especially benefit from the insight of the philologists in the workshop.


 Click here for attached paper; please email dmreher@uchicago for the password:

Western Mediterranean Workshop 2013-14 Call for Papers

 for Fall, Winter and Spring quarters

Western Mediterranean Workshop 2013-14 Call for Papers



Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Niall Atkinson and Robert Kendrick, the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop warmly invites all graduate students to submit papers for our coming year. Submissions can include portions of dissertation chapters and developing articles.  The precirculation of graduate student papers is highly encouraged to increase participation in the Workshop, but is not required.

The Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop explores intellectual questions surrounding the cultures of five regions/countries (France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and North Africa, including parts of the Ottoman Empire) during the Medieval and Early Modern Periods. The workshop seeks to involve a variety of backgrounds and disciplines, including many from the Departments of Romance Languages and Literatures, Art History, Music, and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations.

While most meetings will be held from 12:00-1:30 in WB 207 on select Fridays, we are able to accommodate your schedule should you need to present at another time.  Please email the Graduate Student Coordinator David Reher at detailing your interest and preferred term (fall, winter or spring ) to present, along with a brief paragraph that offers an overview of your project.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our meetings!


Best Regards,

David Reher

Graduate Student Coordinator

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop


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