Category Archives: Announcements

Michael Subialka on Transforming Plato

Join us for the second meeting of the quarter, where we will discuss work by Michael Subialka, PhD Candidate with the Committee on Social Thought and Romance Languages and Literatures, on:

“Transforming Plato: Tommaso Campanella’s La città del sole, the Republic, and the New Science”

Friday, April 23, 2010 at 12:00 pm, in Wieboldt 207

Light lunch will be served.

Please Note: Paper is to be read in advance.

Heather Allen on Cannibalizing the Text

Please join us this Friday for the first workshop meeting of the quarter, where we will discuss work by Heather Allen, PhD Candidate in Romance Languages and Literatures, Spanish, on:

“Cannibalizing the Text: Transcription as Commentary in New Spain”

Friday, April 9, 2010 at 12:00 pm, in Wieboldt 207

Light lunch will be served.

Please Note: Paper is to be read in advance.

Anita Damjanovic on The Prodigious Magician and his Servants

For our last meeting of the quarter, we are pleased to announce that we will be discussing a paper by our colleague, Anita Damjanovic, Ph.D. Candidate in Romance Languages and Literatures, Spanish, at the University of Chicago.  Anita’s paper, to be read ahead of time, is on:

“The Prodigious Magician and his Servants:

The Role of Clarin and Moscon”


Friday, March 5, 2010 at 12:00pm in Wieboldt 207.

Light lunch and great discussion – come join us for our final meeting of the quarter!

Richard Strier on Earthly Petrarch

For our next meeting, we are pleased to welcome Richard Strier, Frank L. Sulzberger Distinguished Service Professor of English at the University of Chicago, who will present part of a chapter from his latest work:

“Earthly Petrarch”


Friday, Feb. 26, 2010 at 12:00pm in Wieboldt 207.

Professor Strier’s presentation will focus on the following poems from the Canzoniere: 1, 129, 248, 264.

Light lunch will be served.

Nancy Canepa on Basile’s Cunti

We are excited to welcome Nancy Canepa, Associate Professor of French and Italian at Dartmouth College, as our special guest for our third meeting of the quarter.  Professor Canepa will share her work on:

“Once Upon a Time, in Naples: Crisis of Exemplarity and Enchantment of the Everyday in Basile’s cunti”


Friday, February 12, 2010 at 12:00pm in Wieboldt 207.

Light lunch and great discussion included!

Elizabeth Anderson on Petrarch and Laura

For our second meeting, we are pleased to workshop a dissertation chapter by Elizabeth Anderson.  The chapter, to be read ahead of time, is available by clicking the title:

“Can We Just Be Friends? The Relationship Between Petrarch and Laura in the Triumphs and the Canzoniere

Workshop on WEDNESDAY, January 27, 2010, at 3:00pm in Wieboldt 102.

Please take note of the unusual time and location!

Larry Norman on Being Modern in Early-Modern France

We are pleased that for our sixth and final meeting of the fall quarter, Larry Norman, Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures (French) and Theatre and Performance Studies will join us to share part of his forthcoming book on the Quarell of the Ancients and the Moderns.  His talk will be on:

“Being Modern in Early-Modern France: Antiquity after Humanism”

Click on link above to download the paper that we will discuss during the workshop.

December 4, 2009 at 12:00pm in WB 207.

Light lunch will be served.

Maggie Fritz-Morkin on Boccaccio’s Andreuccio

For our fifth meeting of the quarter, Maggie Fritz-Morkin, PhD Candidate in Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago, presents on excrement and water politics in Boccaccio’s Decameron in her paper:

“Andreuccio at the Well”*


Friday, November 20, 2009 at 12:00pm in Wieboldt 207.

*A more comical look at the subject is available here.