Winter Quarter 2016
January 11 | Hilary Barker
Ph.D. Student, Department of Art History, University of Chicago
“Image as Paratext: A Study of Visual Dissonance in the Image Practice of the Giolito Press in Venice, 1542-1573.”
February 8 | Bretton Rodriguez
Associate Faculty, Department of World Language Studies, Indiana University South Bend
Title TBA
February 22 | William Tronzo
Visiting Professor, Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego
“Intermediality as poiesis: on the permanence of the ephemeral in twelfth-century Palermo.”
March 2 | Niall Atkinson
Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Art History and the College, Department of Art History, University of Chicago. Title TBD. This event is co-sponsored by the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop and is organized by RAVE (Research in Art & Visual Evidence Workshop of the Department of Art History of the University of Chicago). Location: Wednesday, Cochrane Woods Art Center, room 152.
March 7 | Heather E. Grossman
Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Title TBA
All events happen on Mondays at 1 PM in Wieboldt 106, unless otherwise noted.