Category Archives: Schedule

Monday, April 13, 2015 at 10:00 AM in Rosenwald 405— Cosette Bruhns presents “Love’s Failed Vision in Boccaccio’s Amorosa Visione.”

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, we want to remind you of an upcoming event.

Monday, April 13, 2015 at 10:00 AM in Rosenwald 405 Cosette Bruhns, PhD Student in the Italian Studies, presents “Love’s Failed Vision in Boccaccio’s Amorosa Visione.” Elizabeth Tavella, PhD Student in the Romance Languages and Literatures Department will be our respondent. The paper will not be pre-circulated.

We hope to see you there!

Best regards,

Sarah Atkinson and Anatole Upart

Graduate Student Coordinators

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop

The University of Chicago

Winter Quarter Schedule

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, we would like to announce our schedule of some of the activities planned for the Winter Quarter. We hope to see you there!

Wednesday February 18, 2015 at 12:00 PM in Wieboldt 207— Areli Marina, Associate Professor of Art History and Medieval Studies at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, presents “The Italian Baptistery 1000-1600: Towards a Diachronic History of a “Medieval” Monument.”

Respondent: Niall Atkinson, Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of Art History and the College

Wednesday February 25, 2015 at 10:30 AM in Wieboldt 207— James Nemiroff, PhD Candidate in the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies, presents “Toledo and the Lead Books of Sacramonte: Performing Judaism in Lope de Vega’s Auto de Fe Comedias.”

Respondent: David Reher, PhD Student, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

Monday March 2, 2015 at 12:00 PM in Rosenwald 405– Ada Palmer, Assistant Professor of History and the College at The University of Chicago, presents “Pythagoras in the Renaissance Imagination.”

Best regards,


José Estrada and Medardo Rosario

Graduate Student Coordinators

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop

University of Chicago

Fall Quarter Schedule

Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, we would like to announce our schedule for the remainder of the Fall Quarter. We hope to see you there!

Monday October 27, 2014 at 12:00 PM in Classics 110— Ana M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Associate Professor and Study Abroad Advisor at The University of Iowa, presents “Writing Captivity in the Mediterranean: Perspectives on Early Modern Spain”


Monday November 10, 2014 at 12:00 PM in Rosenwald 405— José Estrada and Medardo Rosario, PhD students in the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies, present “Exemplary Paths: Spatial Reflections on Two Secondary Itineraries in Cervantes’ La ilustre fregona

Respondent: James Nemiroff, PhD Candidate, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures


Wednesday November 19, 2014 at 10:30 AM in Wieboldt 207— Paola Encarnación, visiting graduate student from the Colegio de México, presents Configuración del peregrino literario en la Primera Soledad de Góngora

Respondent: Medardo G. Rosario, PhD student, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures


Monday November 24, 2014 at 12:00 PM in Rosenwald 405— Martha Lilia Tenorio, Professor at the Colegio de México and Visiting Professor at The University of Chicago, presents “Una versión original de la Poética de Boileau: la traducción del Padre Alegre”

Respondent: Miguel Martínez, Assistant Professor of Spanish at The University of Chicago.


José Estrada and Medardo Rosario

Graduate Student Coordinators

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop

University of Chicago


Spring Quarter Schedule

Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, it is our pleasure to announce the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop schedule for the Spring quarter 2014.  All meetings will be held in Wieboldt 207 at the time indicated on the schedule.


Friday April 4th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Anatole Upart, Ph D. student in Art History, presents “’Unus sed tricolor’: Zyrowice, SS. Sergio e Bacco and a Belarusian Madonna in Rome.”

Friday May 2nd at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Mari Jo Velasco, Ph D. student in Music History, presents her dissertation proposal, “Moving Mountains: Music of Spiritual Renewal in the French Pyrénées, 1780-1830.”


Friday May 9th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Katrina Powers, Ph D. student in Romance Languages, presents her dissertation proposal, “‘El no querer no es culpa’: Biblical and Ovidian Images in Golden Age Spanish Tales of Unrequited Love”


Friday May 16th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Sarah E. Christopher Faggioli, Ph D. candidate in Romance Languages, present the fourth chapter of her dissertation, entitled “Rinaldo Corso’s 1543 Commentary on Vittoria Colonna’s poetry: a Spiritual Canzoniere”

Friday May 30th at 2:00 in Wieboldt 207–Mohammad Ballan, Ph D. candidate in History, presents “Zafadola Amicus Mei”: Vassalage, Friendship and the Construction of Imperial Sovereignty in the Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris (ca. 1148)

Friday June 6th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Ana Sanchez-Rojo, Ph D. candidate in Music History, presents TBA



We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!




David Reher, Jose Estrada, and Medardo Rosario

Graduate Student Coordinators

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop


PS: Those requiring assistance to attend these events should contact the Graduate Student Coordinator David Reher at

Winter Quarter Schedule

Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, it is our pleasure to announce the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop schedule for the Winter quarter 2013.  Most meetings will be held in Wieboldt 207 at the time indicated on the schedule.


Friday January 17th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207--Edward Muir, Clarence L. Ver Steeg Professor in the Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University, presents “‘People Who Believe in Nothing:’ Intolerable Thoughts in Late Renaissance Italy”


Friday January 31st at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207--Co-sponsored with Caribbean Studies Workshop. David Craig Recksieck, Ph. D. student in Art History, presents “Depicting the Brazilian Engenho: Representations of Race, Religion, and Economic Exchange in the Works of Frans Post”


Friday February 7th at 4:30 in Classics 110–Co-sponsored by the Neubauer Collegium for culture and society and with the Medieval Studies Workshop.  Teofilo Ruiz, Professor of Spanish cultural history at UCLA, presents “The Western Mediterranean and the World: From the Western Mediterranean to the Atlantic,  Ca. 1300 – 1650”  Please see more information at


Friday February 21st at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207--Ryan Giles, associate professor of Spanish and Core faculty of the Medieval studies Institute at the University of Indiana–Bloomington, presents  “Converting the Saracen: The Historia del emperador Carlomagno and the Christianization of Granada”


Friday February 28th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207--Muhammet Zahit Atcil, Ph D. student in Near Eastern Languages and Culture, presents Ottoman Fiscal Institutions and Economic Policies during the Grand Vizierates of Rustem Pasha (1544-1561)”


We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!




David Reher, Jose Estrada, and Medardo Rosario

Graduate Student Coordinators

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop


PS: Those requiring assistance to attend these events should contact the Graduate Student Coordinator David Reher at

Fall Quarter Schedule

Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, it is our pleasure to announce the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop schedule for the Fall quarter 2013.  Most meetings will be held in Wieboldt 207 at the time indicated on the schedule.


Friday October 11th at 12:30PM in Wieboldt 207–Andrew Cashner, Ph.D candidate in Music History presents a dissertation chapter entitled  “’Suspend, O Heavens, Your Sweet Chant’: Heavenly Dissonance in a Villancico by Joan Cererols (Montserrat, c. 1660)”

Tuesday October 15th at 3:00 PM in Wieboldt 207–Luciano Garcia Lorenzo, Professor and investigator at the Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, presents “Torcuato Tarragó y la pasión amorosa del clérigo Antonio Mira de Amescua”

Friday November 1st at 12:30 PM in CWAC 152Co-sponsored with Medieval Studies Workshop. Laura Fernandez Fernandez, Assistant Professor of Art History, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (note: not pre-circulated)

Friday November 8th at 12:30 PM in Wieboldt 207–Jeffrey Coleman, Ph. D candidate in Romance Languages presents a dissertation chapter entitled  “Immigration Perspectives in Juan Diego Botto’s El privilegio de ser perro”

Friday November 22nd at 12:30 PM in Wieboldt 207–Sharon Strocchia, Professor of History at Emory University presents, “Women on the Edge: Madness, Possession and Suicide in Early Modern Convents”

Thursday December 5th at 2:30 PM in Wieboldt 207Please note the change of time. James Nemiroff, Ph. D. Candidate in Romance Languages, presents a dissertation chapter entitled: “The mythification of Toledo by Lope de Vega and his Contemporaries.”

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!




David Reher

Graduate Student Coordinator

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop


PS: Those requiring assistance to attend these events should contact the Graduate Student Coordinator David Reher at

Spring Quarter Schedule

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Miguel Martínez and Rocco Rubini, it is our pleasure to announce the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop schedule for the spring quarter 2013. All meetings will be held in Wieboldt 207 at the time indicated on the schedule.

Tuesday April 16th at 4:30 PM--Neringa Pukelis, Ph.D Candidate in Spanish presents a chapter from “Modes of Creation: Mimesis, Inventio, and the Chronicling of History in La saga/fuga de J.B.  

Thursday April 25th at 4:30 PM in Harper 103–Bruce Burningham, Chair of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Professor of Hispanic Studies and Theatre at Illinois State University presents: “Intertextuality and Ekphrasis in Los Barracos de Federico’s Caballero de Olmedo.

Friday May 3rd at 5:00 PM in Wieboldt 408–David Quint, Sterling Professor of Comparative Literature and English Yale University, presents “Modern Copyists: Dante, Ariosto, Vasari, and the Sistine Ceiling.
Professor Quint’s visit is co-sponsored with the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.

Friday May 10th at 12:00 PM–David Allison Orsbon, Ph. D Student in Comparative Literature presents, “‘The Universe as Book: Dante’s Commedia as an Imprint of the Divine Mind.’”

Friday May 17th at 12:00 PM-Armando Maggi, Professor of Italian Literature and the Committee on the History of Culture, presents an overview on his current book project, “For a History of Renaissance Love Treatises: From Ficino to Tasso and Cervantes”

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!

Best Regards,

James Nemiroff and David Reher

Graduate Student Coordinators

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop

PS: Those requiring assistance to attend these events should contact the Graduate Student Coordinator David Reher at or James Nemiroff at

Winter Quarter Schedule

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Miguel Martínez and Rocco Rubini, it is our pleasure to announce the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop schedule for the winter quarter 2012. All meetings will be held in Wieboldt 207 at 1:30 PM unless otherwise indicated on the schedule.

Friday January 25 at 2:00

Roni Kubati, PH. D Candidate in Italian will present. Title TBA

Friday February 8 at 2:30 PM

Maggie Fitz-Morkin, PH.D Candidate in Italian will present and discuss, “Obscenity and Pedagogy in Petrarch’s Invective Contra Medicum.”

Respondent: Lawrence Hooper

Friday February 15 at 2:00 PM

Juan Camilo Acevedo, Ph. D Candidate in Spanish will present and discuss, “Cut, Copy and Paste: Publishing and Authorship in the Spanish Golden Age”

Respondent: Jose Estrada

Friday March 1 at 12:00 PM

Hosted in CWAC Room 152. Sharon Kinoshita, Professor of Literature, University of California Santa Cruz will present and discuss, “Re-orientations: The Worlding of Marco Polo.” This talk is co-sponsored with the Medieval Workshop.

Friday March 15 at 2:00 PM

Jeffrey Kwesi Coleman, Ph. D Candidate in Spanish will present and discuss a chapter of his dissertation, TBA

Respondent: Susana Perez


We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!

Best Regards,

James Nemiroff and David Reher

Graduate Student Coordinators

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop

PS: Those requiring assistance to attend these events should contact the Graduate Student Coordinator David Reher at

Fall Quarter Schedule

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Miguel Martínez and Rocco Rubini, it is my pleasure to announce the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop schedule for the fall quarter 2012. All meetings will be held in Wieboldt 207 unless otherwise indicated on the schedule.

October 12-13 2012 8 AM-6 PM

En Route: Journeys of the Body and the Soul in Iberian and Latin American Literatures, a graduate student conference sponsored by the Spanish Graduate Students Committee, the Franke Institute for the Humanities, the Division of the Humanities, the Divinity School, the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, the Department of History, the Department of English, the Center for Latin American Studies, the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, the Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture, the University of Chicago Student Government and the Medieval Workshop.

Panels for the conference will be held in either the Franke Institute for the Humanities or inside the Regenstein Library.

For more information about the SGSC conference please visit the conference blog which includes information about the conference keynote speakers, the call for papers and the conference program.

Monday October 22 at 4:3o PM

Javier Moscoso, Research Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the Spanish National Research Council will present and discuss a book chapter from his latest book entitled: “Pain: A Cultural History”.


Wednesday November 21 at 4:30 PM

Chiara Montanari, Ph.D Candidate in Italian Title TBD.

Wednesday December 5 at 4:30 PM

Javier Irigoyen García, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign will present and discuss a paper entitled: “Moors dressed as Moors: On the Sartorial Revival of Moorish Culture during the rising of the Alpujarras.”

Friday December 7 at noon

Mary Channen Caldwell, Ph.D Candidate in Music History and Theory will present and discuss a paper entitled: “Sing, Dance, Rejoice: Genre, Poetry and Performance in the Latin Refrain Song”.  This talk is co-sponsored with the Medieval Workshop.

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!

Best Regards,

James Nemiroff

Graduate Student Coordinator

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop

PS: Those requiring assistance to attend these events should contact the Graduate Student Coordinator James Nemiroff at




Schedule of Speakers-Spring Quarter 2012

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Ryan Giles and Niall Atkinson, I am pleased to present the Western Mediterranean Workshop schedule for spring quarter 2012.  Please note that meetings will take place in Wieboldt 207 at noon unless otherwise indicated on the schedule.

April 11, 2012

Miguel Martinez, Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, the University of Chicago, will present and discuss a paper entitled “Language, Nation and Empire in Early Modern Iberia”

Please note the special day of the week

April 20, 2012

Joana Konova, Ph.D Candidate in the Department of Art History, The University of Chicago, Title TBD.

April 24, 2012

Michel Magnien, Professor of French Literature at the Université de Sorbonne Nouvelle.   Title TBD.  Prof. Magnien´s talk will be delivered in French with the Q and A in English.

Prof. Magnien´s talk is co-sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.

Note:  Please note the special day of the week.

May 9, 2012

Lucy Freeman Sandler, Professor of Art History Emerita, New York University, will offer the keynote address for the conference “On the Edge: Medieval Margins and the Margins of Academic Life”  The conference and Prof. Sandler´s keynote address is co-sponsored by the Medieval Studies Workshop.

Please note the special day of the week

May 14, 2012

Gregory Baum, Ph.D Candidate in the Department of Comparative Literature, The University of Chicago will present and discuss a paper entitled “Greater Thieves than Caucus: Tracing Fidelity in Thomas Shelton.”  This event is co-sponsored by the Renaissance Workshop and will take place at 5 PM in Rosenwald 405.

Please note the unusual time, day of the week and location.

May 25, 2012

Amaia Gabantxo, Lecturer in Basque at the University of Chicago, Title TBD.

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!

Best Regards,

Diana Aramburu and James Nemiroff

Coordinators for the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop

Academic Year 2011-2012

PS: Those requiring assistance should contact James Nemiroff at