Prudentius’ Panopticon of Christianity

With the overt descriptions of violence and the anthropomorphization of Vices and Virtues into grandiose warriors, it is perhaps a foreign notion to consider Psychomachia as a properly Christian text. Yet while it may clash with a modern conception of Christianity, Psychomachia presents a notably Foucauldian sense of human community and utopia through the filter of Christian ideals, and the violence is more of a medium of storytelling, not a…

Boethius – The Role of Textual Structure

Boethius in Book 1 has a great deal of self-pity for being scorned by Fortune, placing himself in the lineage of “innocents” like Socrates whose devotion to the truth leads to his misery. Lady Philosophy, a figment of Boethius’s imagination, confirms that Boethius rests in this lineage of great philosophers. Boethius’s narrative structure also makes a statement justifying his place in history. Perhaps one of the most compelling structural aspects…