The main entrance to "The Holy Land Experience" theme park. Photograph: Kevin Wisniewski/Rex Features

The Holy Lando: Unpacking the Modern and Medieval Passion Play

In Chapter IV of The Confessions, Augustine introduces a story concerning his former student Alypius. After being dragged to the gladiator games, Alypius protests by covering his eyes, as to not bear witness to the violent event. Eventually, Alypius — “yielding to curiosity” — opens his eyes at the cheering noises of the crowd (Augustine, 121). In this passage, Augustine depicts curiosity as a precursor to sin. The condemnation of…

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the furnace

Reciprocal Witnessing in Daniel

In The Poetics and Politics of Witnessing, Derrida argues that trust in a witness’ account is derived from the belief of those listening. Derrida explains, “Bearing witness appeals to the act of faith, and thus takes place in the space of pledged or sworn word” (Derrida, 75). Here, Derrida notes that the relationship between a witness and an audience is one of faith. To prove this faith an oath must…