Events and concepts of Daniel in relation to the American legal system

The search for a “perfect moral system” to live one’s life by is a question that has baffled philosophers since the beginning of time, and the question of how to create a set of laws to bind a just society often follows.    Throughout history religious texts have acted as moral codes and stand-in legal systems, the Bible is no exception. Its stories and messages have been used as a…

Promotional image for Netflix's Lucifer

Culturally shaped biblical narratives through time: How Lucifer can inform a reading of Genesis

“It is very right for us that we should praise with words the guardian of the heavens, the glorious king of hosts, should love him in our minds.”(Anlezark, 3)   The above quote functions as a thesis statement for Anlezark’s translation of Old Testament Narratives, as an absolute reverence for god pervades the text from the very start. Following the opening, the writer gives praise to God in the form…

Boethius, and David R. Slavitt. The Consolation of Philosophy. Harvard University Press, 2010.

Boethius to a College Student, How does Boetheus’s writing read in the 21st century

How does the reasoning in Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy, written in 524, hold up to the scrutiny of 21st-century college students? Perhaps there is a fundamental difference between him, the writer, and us, the readers, as a result of the time difference, that leads us to question certain rhetorical choices. Nonetheless, there are possible discrepancies in his arguments that we feel are constructive to discuss.  Lady Philosophy deems the wealth…