Adam and Eve; Virtue and Vice; Genesis and Paradise Lost

By Spencer Scott, Frances Schaeffler, Jonah Valverde, and Jo Zeng Why exactly did Adam and Eve eat the fruit? The original Bible goes into a little detail, saying in Genesis 3:6-7, that the snake tempted them, they ate, and their eyes were opened. It’s a straightforward story. Now this being the Bible and all, there’s a long history of writers taking this and other stories in their own direction, but…

Monks listening to the Bible being recited.

Listening, Speaking, Knowing: The Divine Auditory in Daniel

The human life is a mediated experience: we do not encounter an unfiltered world, but rather we process every input through our senses. Among our five senses, sight often reigns supreme; this article is not one of Professor Saltzmann’s podcasts, and I assume you aren’t understanding it via tactile telepathy. However, in the Old English poem Daniel, visuality is typically portrayed as an incomplete phenomenon through which one cannot fully…