March 7 | Blaize Gervais on “Perspectival Objectivity: In Defense of the ‘Affective Turn’ in Epistemology”

Please join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop, remotely, on

Monday, March 7th


Blaize Gervais

PhD Candidate in Ethics, University of Chicago Divinity School

presents the paper

Perspectival Objectivity: In Defense of the “Affective Turn” in Epistemology

Discussant: Colin Weaver, PhD Candidate in the Divinity School

This event will take place on Zoom from

4:30-6:00pm CT

This paper addresses concerns about the subjectivity of objectivity through the work of Quill (Rebecca) Kukla. Specifically their work on the separation of aperspectival warrant and ontological objectivity. We defend a potential vulnerability in Kukla’s argument through insights in enactive cognitive science and explore what such a defense means for the role of affect in epistemology writ large.

The paper, to be read in advance, and the Zoom meeting information is available on the website via password. Questions, requests, or concerns may be directed to the coordinators by email.
