Please join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop on
Monday, May 23rd, Wieboldt 408, 4:30-6:00pm CT
Seth Estrin
Assistant Professor of Art History and the College; Ancient Greek Art and Archaeology
presents the paper:
“Between Pity and Rage: Constructing Emotion in Archaic Funerary Sculpture”
Discussant: Emily Austin, Assistant Professor of Classics and the College
The history of Greek art has traditionally been traced according to the development of artistic naturalism, and the possibility of emotional expression has usually been associated only with later periods of Greek art, in which this naturalism was fully achieved. In this paper, I look for emotion in an unexpectedly early era of Greek art—the later part of the so-called Archaic period (ca. 550-480 BCE), which produced sculptures normally seen as cold, stiff, and inexpressive. Focusing on a funerary monument for a man named Kroisos, I use the emotional language of the monument’s epigram –specifically, its invocation of pity and rage – as the basis for imagining alternative ways of visualizing the sculpture that accompanied it. In so doing, I seek to activate emotional dimensions of Archaic sculpture that would be otherwise invisible to modern eyes.
The paper, to be read in advance, is available on the workshop website.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jane Gordon ( or Bellamy Mitchell (