Monday, April 5th @ 4:30-6pm CT | Leif Turner
Master’s Student, MAPH, University of Chicago
“‘Us’ in theory: Starvation, Reciprocity, and the Subjunctive in Meville’s ‘Bartelby, The Scrivener’ and Gide’s La Porte Étroite”
Monday, April 12th @ 4:30-6pm CT | Sunwoo Lee
PhD Candidate, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago
“Pain in Middle Egyptian Literary Narratives”
Monday, April 26th @ 4:30-6pm CT | Michelle Chow
Master’s Student, MAPH, University of Chicago
“Asian Contagion: Labor, Illness, and Affect in Ling Ma’s Severance”
Monday, May 3rd @ 4:30-6pm CT | Maïté Marciano
PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature & Department of French and Italian, Northwestern University
“The Politics of Disaffection in The Stranger: a Modern Flat Voice”
Monday, May 10th, 4:30-6pm CT | Paul Cato
PhD Candidate, Social Thought, University of Chicago
“Love as a ‘Quest and Daring and Growth’: Bearing Witness to Active Love in James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time.”
Monday, May 17th, 4:30-6pm CT | To Be Announced
Monday, May 24th, 4:30-6pm CT | To Be Announced