Protected: Materials for May 2nd Session
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Please Join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop Thursday, May 2nd, on Zoom from 2:00-3:30pm CST when Andrew Schlager PhD Candidate, Princeton University, Department of English presents: “Jean Toomer’s Aisles: Performance and Pedagogy Image: Carma (from Cane by Jean Toomer), Martin… Continue Reading
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Please Join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop Monday, May 22nd, inCobb 304, from4:30-6:00pm CT when Lindsay Reckson Associate Professor of English, Haverford College presents: “Viral Gestures, or How to Use Your Body at the End of the World” Image: “An… Continue Reading
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Please Join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop Monday, April 15th, in Cobb 304, from 4:30-6:00pm CT when Glenn Most Visiting Professor, Classics and the Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago presents: “The Horrific Body in Sophocles” Description: More… Continue Reading
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Please Join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop Monday, April 17th, in SSRB 401, from 4:30-6:00pm CT when Jimmy White PhD Student, Classics and the Committee on Social THought, University of Chicago presents: “On Harmony: The Return of the Little Prince, or… Continue Reading
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Please join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop on Monday, February 20th, on Zoom, 4:30-6:00pm CT when Yunning Zhang PhD Student, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Chicago presents: “The Passion According to La China Poblana: Martyrdom and Distress in Catarina… Continue Reading