Protected: Materials for May 16th Session
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Please join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop Monday, May 16th when Bellamy Mitchell PhD Candidate, English and Social Thought, University of Chicago presents the paper: “The Danger of the Situation, or, the Indexical Present of Apology in the Performance… Continue Reading
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Please join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop, remotely, on Monday, March 7th when Blaize Gervais PhD Candidate in Ethics, University of Chicago Divinity School presents the paper Perspectival Objectivity: In Defense of the “Affective Turn” in Epistemology Discussant: Colin Weaver,… Continue Reading
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Please join the Affect and the Emotions Workshop Monday, October 11th when Brandon Sward PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago presents his paper: “How to make site-specific art when sites themselves have histories: Whittier Boulevard as Asco’s… Continue Reading