Ancient Philosophy @ UChicago 2023-2024

Translation and Discussion Group

For the autumn 2023 and winter 2024 quarters, we will be dedicating the majority of our meetings to the translation and discussion of Hippocrates’ On Ancient Medicine. This remarkable work offers us a unique opportunity to delve into the intersection of ancient philosophy and medical thought.

As usual, we will gather every Wednesday from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM (location: Rosenwald Hall, Room 301).

We will be using Schiefsky, Mark J. 2005. Hippocrates On Ancient Medicine: Translated with Introduction and Commentary. Leiden: Brill.

(For those who haven’t got a chance to join our translation sessions, our format will involve assigning a small portion of the text in advance, and during our meetings, we will read out the Greek first, translate them, and engage in detailed discussions. We welcome participants of all levels of proficiency in Greek, so don’t hesitate to join us, even if you’re more interested in the discussion part with an English translation.)


Activities in Spring 2024

March 20, 4:30pm–6:30pm, Jan Szaif (UC Davis), “Aristotelian Ethics in the 2nd Century BCE: Critolaus on the Human Telos”

March 27, 4:30pm–6:00pm, Gabriel Richardson Lear, “The Straightedge of Virtue: Aristotle on the Rational Significance of Beauty-in-Action”

April 3, 4:30pm–6:00pm, John Muller, TBD

April 24, 4:30pm–6:30pm, Claudia Yau (Northwestern), TBD

May 8, 4:30pm–6:00pm, Carol Kowara, TBD

May 15, 4:30pm-6:pm, Stephen Cunniff, “Why is the Human Being a Naturally Political Animal? Aristotle on Friendship, Justice, and Complete (Practical) Virtue”

Activities in Winter 2024

January 31, 4:30pm–6:00pm, Nora McCann, “Self-mover or Subtle Cause? Socrates’s Different Arguments for the Immortality of the Soul”.

Feburary 28, 4:30pm–6:00pm, Sarale Ben Asher, “Recollection and the Idea of Equality in the Phaedo”

March 1-2, 9:00am (Social Science 122), conference on Phronesis, (

Activities in Autumn 2023

Oct. 11 , 4:30pm–6:00pm, Qianxun Feng, “The Concept of πάθος and the Division of Pleasure in Plato’s Philebus”

October 25, 4:30pm–6pm, L. K. Gustin Law, “An Epistemic-Functional Account of Cause in Aristotle”

Nov. 4, 9:00am-6:00pm, MEANING AND MORALITY: A conference on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy in honor of Elizabeth Asmis (Swift Lecture Hall)

Nov. 15, 4:30pm–6pm, Haun Saussy, “Plastic Before Plastic: Molding and Shaping in Republic” (Foster 305, co-sponsored with social thought colloquium)

December 1, 4pm-5:30pm, Cinzia Arruzza,  “Looking at the Black Sea: Genê and Civic Theôria in Plato’s Laws” (Neubauer Collegium’s Forum Room, 5701 S. Woodlawn Avenue)

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If you have any quesion, please feel free to contact the graduate coordinator, Kai Fang (