
a space serving as an intersection for creativity, reception, and scholarship in the classics.

Animus Classics Journal: Vol. 4, Issues 1 and 2

We are thrilled to announce that the Fall/Winter and Spring 2024 issues of Animus Classics Journal are now available online (here and here) for viewing! This issue is the culmination of months of hard work by our authors, artists, peer reviewers, copy editors, and...

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Aristophanes’s Nukterides

GABRIELA GARCIA University of ChicagoContent warning: explicit language and discussion of sexual topics Note: this is a work of fiction. Produced at the Lenaia in 413, Nukterides (The Bats) is Aristophanes’s paratragic take on Sophocles’s Antigone. It opens with...

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A poem by Jordan Tyler Houston.
College of Arts and Sciences, Wake Forest University.

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