This is the current and complete list of approved Education and Society minor courses. Not all courses are offered every year.
ANTH 22742 | The Struggle for the University: Critical Scholarship and Research |
BPRO 23500 | The Organization of Knowledge (not after 2022-2023 AY) |
CHDV 20100 | (required) Human Development Research Design |
CHDV 20207 | Race, Ethnicity, and Human Development |
CHDV 20209 | Adolescent Development (not after 2022-2023 AY) |
CHDV 20305 | Inequality in Urban Spaces1 |
CHDV 20499 | Inequality in Education: Theory, Policy, and Practice2 |
CHDV 20750 | Cognition and Emotion in Everyday Life (not after 2022-2023 AY) |
CHDV 20774 | Multilingualism in Mind & Social Interaction: Language, Self, & Thought in the Multilingual Context |
CHDV 21000 | Cultural Psychology: Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations |
CHDV 23050 | The Role of Science in U.S. Education Reform |
CHDV 23010 | Blooming Buzzing Confusion |
CHDV 23100 | Human Language and Interaction |
CHDV 23305 | Critical Studies of Mental Health in Higher Education |
CHDV 25010 | Ethnography in US Education |
CHDV 27255 | Schools as Organizations: Theory, Methods, Practice |
COGS 20001 | Mind Brain & Meaning |
COGS 24001 | Prediction in Language Comprehension |
CRES 27547 | Race, Ethnicity, and American Public Schools3 |
ECMA 36700 | Economics of Education |
EDSO 20317 | Sociology of Higher Education |
EDSO 23001 | From the State House to the School House: Educational Policy and Student Achievement (not after 2022-2023 AY) |
EDSO 23002 | Schooling and Identity |
EDSO 23005 | Education and Social Inequality |
EDSO 23007 | Language, Culture, and Education |
EDSO 23008 | Approaches to K-12 Teaching and Learning |
EDSO 23009 | Research Practice Partnerships in Education |
EDSO 23011 | Beyond the Culture Wars: Social Movements and the Politics of Education |
EDSO 23015 | Approaches to School Reform & Improvement |
EDSO 23016 | The History of American Urban Education |
EDSO 23412 | Cultural Studies in Education |
EDSO 27919 | Research in School Improvement |
HIST 27307 | Schools and Space; A Chicago History |
LING 20150 | Linguistics and Communication |
MAPS 30128 | Sociology of Education |
MAPS 30289 | Intermediate Regression and Data Science |
MAPS 31522 | Education, Culture and Power |
MAPS 32700 | It Goes Without Saying: Conversations in Context |
PHIL 22819 | Philosophy of Education |
PBPL 22300 | Policy Implementation |
PBPL 25120 | Child Development and Public Policy |
PBPL 25405 | Child Poverty and Chicago Schools |
PBPL 25860 | Crime, Justice, and Inequality in the American City (not after 2022-2023 AY) |
PBPL 26303 | Public Policy Practicum: Interview Project on Public Education |
PBPL 27809 | Violence in the Early Years |
PBPL 28029 | Education Policy |
PBPL 28030 | Higher Education Policy |
PBPL 28031 | Introduction to Economics of Education |
PBPL 28350 | Education and Economic Development |
PSYC 20400 | Cognitive Psychology |
PSYC 20500 | Developmental Psychology |
PSYC 21116 | The Development of Social Cognition |
PSYC 21690 | Media & Psychology |
PSYC 22220 | Understanding Inequality as a Psychologist |
PSYC 22580 | Child Development in the Classroom |
PSYC 22880 | Psychological Impacts of Education Policy |
PSYC 22950 | Emergence and Development of Mathematics and Language |
PSYC 23200 | Introduction to Language Development |
PSYC 23600 | Cognition in Infancy |
PSYC 23800 | Introduction to Learning and Memory |
PSYC 23820 | Attention and the Working Memory in the Mind and Brain |
PSYC 25620 | How Children Think |
SSAD 21000 | Race and American Public Schools |
SSAD 23412 | Cultural Studies in Education |
SOCI 20192 | The Effects of Schooling |
SOCI 20514 | Sociology of Higher Education |
SOCI 26011 | Fundamentals of Item Response Theory |
[1] Students may take either CHDV 20305 OR CHDV 20499 to satisfy the minor requirements. The EDSO minor will not accept both courses on a petition.
[2] Students may take either CHDV 20305 OR CHDV 20499 to satisfy the minor requirements. The EDSO minor will not accept both courses on a petition.
[3] Due to content overlap, students may not list CRES 27547 alongside EDSO 23002 or EDSO 23005 on the same minor petition.