This is the current and complete list of approved Education and Society minor courses. Not all courses are offered every year.


ANTH 22742  The Struggle for the University: Critical Scholarship and Research 
BPRO 23500  The Organization of Knowledge (not after 2022-2023 AY) 
CHDV 20100  (required) Human Development Research Design 
CHDV 20207  Race, Ethnicity, and Human Development 
CHDV 20209  Adolescent Development (not after 2022-2023 AY) 
CHDV 20305  Inequality in Urban Spaces1 
CHDV 20499  Inequality in Education: Theory, Policy, and Practice2 
CHDV 20750  Cognition and Emotion in Everyday Life (not after 2022-2023 AY) 
CHDV 20774  Multilingualism in Mind & Social Interaction: Language, Self, & Thought in the Multilingual Context 
CHDV 21000  Cultural Psychology: Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations 
CHDV 23050  The Role of Science in U.S. Education Reform 
CHDV 23010  Blooming Buzzing Confusion 
CHDV 23100  Human Language and Interaction 
CHDV 23305  Critical Studies of Mental Health in Higher Education 
CHDV 25010  Ethnography in US Education 
CHDV 27255  Schools as Organizations: Theory, Methods, Practice 
COGS 20001  Mind Brain & Meaning 
COGS 24001 Prediction in Language Comprehension 
CRES 27547  Race, Ethnicity, and American Public Schools3 
ECMA 36700  Economics of Education 
EDSO 20317  Sociology of Higher Education
EDSO 23001  From the State House to the School House: Educational Policy and Student Achievement (not after 2022-2023 AY) 
EDSO 23002  Schooling and Identity 
EDSO 23005  Education and Social Inequality 
EDSO 23007  Language, Culture, and Education 
EDSO 23008  Approaches to K-12 Teaching and Learning 
EDSO 23009  Research Practice Partnerships in Education 
EDSO 23011  Beyond the Culture Wars: Social Movements and the Politics of Education 
EDSO 23015  Approaches to School Reform & Improvement
EDSO 23016  The History of American Urban Education
EDSO 23412 Cultural Studies in Education
EDSO 27919  Research in School Improvement 
HIST 27307  Schools and Space; A Chicago History 
LING 20150  Linguistics and Communication 
MAPS 30128  Sociology of Education 
MAPS 30289  Intermediate Regression and Data Science 
MAPS 31522  Education, Culture and Power 
MAPS 32700  It Goes Without Saying: Conversations in Context 
PHIL 22819  Philosophy of Education 
PBPL 22300  Policy Implementation 
PBPL 25120  Child Development and Public Policy 
PBPL 25405  Child Poverty and Chicago Schools 
PBPL 25860  Crime, Justice, and Inequality in the American City (not after 2022-2023 AY) 
PBPL 26303  Public Policy Practicum: Interview Project on Public Education 
PBPL 27809  Violence in the Early Years 
PBPL 28029  Education Policy 
PBPL 28030 Higher Education Policy
PBPL 28031 Introduction to Economics of Education 
PBPL 28350  Education and Economic Development 
PSYC 20400  Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 20500  Developmental Psychology 
PSYC 21116  The Development of Social Cognition 
PSYC 21690 Media & Psychology
PSYC 22220  Understanding Inequality as a Psychologist 
PSYC 22580  Child Development in the Classroom 
PSYC 22880  Psychological Impacts of Education Policy 
PSYC 22950  Emergence and Development of Mathematics and Language 
PSYC 23200  Introduction to Language Development 
PSYC 23600  Cognition in Infancy 
PSYC 23800  Introduction to Learning and Memory 
PSYC 23820  Attention and the Working Memory in the Mind and Brain 
PSYC 25620  How Children Think 
SSAD 21000  Race and American Public Schools 
SSAD 23412  Cultural Studies in Education 
SOCI 20192  The Effects of Schooling 
SOCI 20514  Sociology of Higher Education 
SOCI 26011 Fundamentals of Item Response Theory



[1] Students may take either CHDV 20305 OR CHDV 20499 to satisfy the minor requirements. The EDSO minor will not accept both courses on a petition.


[2] Students may take either CHDV 20305 OR CHDV 20499 to satisfy the minor requirements. The EDSO minor will not accept both courses on a petition.


[3] Due to content overlap, students may not list CRES 27547 alongside EDSO 23002 or EDSO 23005 on the same minor petition.