Committee on Education Faculty

Anjali Adukia
Assistant Professor, Harris School of Public Policy
Interests: Education inequality, institutional interventions, education and health
Course(s) in education research: Education in Developing Contexts, Violence in the Early Years

Elaine Allensworth
Lewis-Sebring Director, Consortium for Chicago School Research, Urban Education Institute
Interests: Curricular effects on student achievement, organizational supports for school improvement, early warning systems for improving graduation rates, college readiness, school leadership, noncognitive factors
Course(s) in education research: Research Practice Partnerships in Education, Research in School Improvement

Margaret Beale Spencer
Charles L. Grey Distinguished Service Professor Emerita in Comparative Human Development and the College
Interests: Resiliency, identity formation in youth, development of coping strategies over the course of life
Course(s) in education research: Development in Adolescence

Lin Bian
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Interests: Social cognition, stereotypes and biases, motivation, intergroup relations, sociomoral reasoning.

Christina Brown
Assistant Professor, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics

Eve L. Ewing
Associate Professor Department of Race, Diaspora, and Indigeneity
Interests: School closings, race and racism, urban K–12 public schools, public sociology, black feminism, qualitative research methods
Course(s) in education research: Race in American Public Schools

Susan Goldin-Meadow
Beardsley Ruml Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Psychology and Comparative Human Development
Interests: Language development and creation, gesture’s role in communicating, thinking, and learning
Course(s) in education research: Seminar in Language Development, Research Topics in Gesture and Learning

Deborah Gorman-Smith
Dean, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice, and Emily Klein Gidwitz Professor
Interests: Development, risk, prevention of youth aggression and violence

Guanglei Hong
Professor, Department of Comparative Human Development
Chair, Committee on Education
Interests: Quantitative methods, social causation, educational policy effectiveness
Course(s) in education research: Applied Statistics in Human Development Research, Mediation, Moderation, and Spillover Effects, Introduction to Causal Inference

Tanika Island Childress
Acting Director, Urban Education Institute, Director and CEO, UChicago Charter School

Ariel Kalil
Daniel Levin Professor, Harris School of Public Policy
Interests: Impacts of economic conditions and parental time investment on early childhood development; young children’s cognition and curiosity; economic inequality and public policy; field experiments; technology-based interventions for parents and young children.
Course(s) in education research: Child Development and Public Policy

Micere Keels
Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Human Development
Interests: Trauma-responsive educational practices, effects of gentrification on public schools, effects of relocation, experiences of children in immigrant families, race-ethnicity, inequality, post-secondary persistence of Black and Latino students, integration of quantitative and qualitative methods.
Course(s) in education research: Inequality in Urban Spaces

Katherine Kinzler
Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology
Interests: origins of prejudice, ingroup/outgroup thinking, influence of language and accent in forming of social groups, cultural learning, food cognition and moral psychology.

Susan Levine
Rebecca Ann Boylan Professor in Education and Society,
Department of Psychology
Interests: Cognitive development, development and plasticity of spatial skills, early quantitative development, language development and functional plasticity in children with early brain injury
Course(s) in education research: Advanced Seminar in Developmental Psychology

John List
Kenneth C. Griffin Distinguished Service Professor, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics
Interests: Experimental economics, usage of behavioral economics to increase parental engagement in early childhood education, youth violence, economics of charity, environmental economics, experiments in firms, scalability and role it plays in transforming the education space

Jens Ludwig
Edwin A. and Betty L. Bergman Distinguished Service Professor, Harris School of Public Policy
Interests: Education inequality, institutional interventions, behavioral science and education, data science and education
Course(s) in Education Research: AI and public policy

Magne Mogstad
Gary Becker Professor, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics
Interests: Labor economics; public economics; analysis of social mobility and inequality

Stephen Raudenbush
Lewis-Sebring Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Sociology and the Harris School of Public Policy
IES Pre-Doctoral Training Program Director, Committee on Education
Interests: Sociology of education, educational inequality, and quantitative methods
Course(s) in Education Research: Applications of Hierarchical Linear Methods, Statistical Methods of Research
Lisa Rosen
Associate Senior Instructional Professor
Director of Instructional Programs, Committee on Education
Interests: Education and social inequality, designing urban schools to reduce social inequality in educational achievement, the social context of urban schooling, and the interplay of schooling and identity.
Course(s) in Education Research: Schooling and Social Inequality, Schooling and Identity, Language, Culture, and Education

Shantá Robinson
Senior Research Director at the Inclusive Economy Lab
Interests: Education, Urban Schools, Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Melissa Roderick
Herman Dunlap Smith Professor, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice
Interests: Urban school reform, high school reform, high-stakes testing, minority adolescent development, school transitions
Course(s) in education research: Data for Policy Analysis and Management, Innovations in Data Use

Onnie Rogers
Associate Professor, Comparative Human Development; Principal Investigator, DICE Lab
Interests: Identity, developmental psychology

Dana Suskind
Professor, Departments of Surgery and Pediatrics
Interests: Language development, child development, cochlear ear implantation

Lesley Turner
Associate Professor, Harris School of Public Policy
Interests: Public Economics, Economics of Education, Labor Economics

Ming-Te Wang
Professor, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice
Interests: Motivation and Engagement, Racial Socialization and Discrimination, School Climate and Racial Disparities in School Discipline

Geoffrey Wodtke
Professor; Associate Director, Stone Center for Research on Wealth Inequality and Mobility
Interests: Inequality, poverty, and social mobility; social psychology; urban sociology; causal inference

Amanda Woodward
Dean, Division of the Social Sciences, and William S. Gray Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Psychology
Interests: Social cognition in infants and young children, cultural and community influences on children’s learning strategies, social-cognitive development.