Katherine Cronin

Comparative Behavioral Biology Presents:

Katherine A. Cronin 

Lester E. Fisher Center for the Study and Conservation of Apes; Lincoln Park Zoo 

Integrating cognitive and behavioral research to evaluate the welfare of primates in sanctuaries and zoos

Wednesday, March 9 @ 12pm

in Biopsychological Sciences Building (BPSB), 940 E 57th St., Seminar Room 122

ABSTRACT: The science of animal welfare integrates tools from multiple disciplines to evaluate an animal’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. I will present research that demonstrates how welfare science can objectively evaluate emotionally-charged topics such as whether restricting the opportunity to breed or placing animals in public view affects the welfare of primates in captivity. I will report on behavioral and cognitive studies conducted with chimpanzees at the Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage Trust in Zambia and with Japanese macaques at Lincoln Park Zoo, and demonstrate how the integration of behavioral and cognitive approaches can be applied to evaluate and ultimately enhance the welfare of primates in human care.

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