BSD Dean's Council

Reimbursement and Deposit Forms

Reimbursement Form 2024

Reimbursement Form 2024

Deans Council Reimbursement Form for 2024-2025. This form was updated on August 2, 2024 to reflect changes in the Oracle financial system (program names and codes). There are no changes in the reimbursement process.

The activity will be funded by *
Method of Payment
Please provide a brief description of the activity. Include the type of event (ex. party, journal club, weekly seminar/”happy hour”, etc); the number of students involved, type of publicity, whether it is a weekly, monthly, or one time activity; and any other information that may be relevant. If the number participating was 10 or less, please provide the names of those who attended.
Receipt: please combine all receipts into one PDF and rename with "DATE_INITIALS" *

Maximum file size: 52.22MB

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