Reimbursement and Deposit Forms Reimbursement Form 2024 Reimbursement Form 2024 Deans Council Reimbursement Form for 2024-2025. This form was updated on August 2, 2024 to reflect changes in the Oracle financial system (program names and codes). There are no changes in the reimbursement process. Name * UCID * Address * The activity will be funded by * The general fund A specific program Programs 6004 Evol Biology6026 Cancer Biology6030 Microbiology6031 Biochem Mol Biophy6032 Int. Biology6033 Human Genetics6034 Eco & Evolution6035 Cell Molecular Bio6036 Public Health Sci6037 Neurobiology6039 GGSB6040 Immunology6041 Molecular Metabolism6042 Comp Neuroscience6043 Medical Physics6044 DRSB6045 Interdisp Scientist Trng Prog Phone * Total amount requested * Method of Payment * Reimbursement GEMS card If you used a GEMS card, whose card did you use? (ex. Scott Myers, Beth Morrissey, Stephanie Laine-Nazaire, Susan Levison) Date of event * Purpose (INCLUDE # OF PARTICIPANTS INCLUDING NAMES IF UNDER 10 PARTICIPANTS) * Please provide a brief description of the activity. Include the type of event (ex. party, journal club, weekly seminar/”happy hour”, etc); the number of students involved, type of publicity, whether it is a weekly, monthly, or one time activity; and any other information that may be relevant. If the number participating was 10 or less, please provide the names of those who attended. List of the expenditures (NOTE: any purchase of alcohol MUST also include PURCHASE of non-alcoholic option per UCARE policies) * Receipt: please combine all receipts into one PDF and rename with "DATE_INITIALS" * Drop a file here or click to upload (PDF ONLY) Choose File Maximum file size: 52.22MB Captcha Email Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.