Dong Research Group


Congrats! Rui, Miao and Zining!

Three talented graduate students in our lab, Rui, Miao, and Zining, have been awarded the Elizabeth R. Norton Prize for Excellence in Research in Chemistry, the Frances E. Knock Scholarship, and the Everett E. Gilbert Memorial Prize for the Best Third-Year...

Congrats, Shinyoung

Congratulations to Dr. Shinyoung Choi for defending her Ph.D.! She will move to SK Innovation in South Korea! We wish her all the best in her new page of life!

Alex is now Dr. Rago!

Congratulation to Alex for his successfully defense! He will soon start his next journey in AbbVie! We had a celebration party in person for the first time in two years!


by | Jul 12, 2019