Congratulations to Renhe and Cole!
Congratulations to Renhe and Cole! Renhe won Elizabeth R. Norton Prize for Excellence in Research in Chemistry! Cole has been awarded for Gerhard Closs Teaching Award in Organic Chemistry!
Alex is now Dr. Rago!
Congratulation to Alex for his successfully defense! He will soon start his next journey in AbbVie! We had a celebration party in person for the first time in two years!
Congratulations Prof. Ming Chen
Congratulations to our former incredible postdoc Dr. Ming Chen on recently starting his independent career at Changzhou University in China as a professor! Stay tuned for his awesome chemistry coming from Chen Lab
Congratulations Prof. Jun Zhu!
Our former phenomenal postdoc Dr. Jun Zhu recently started his independent work at Wuhan University in China as a professor! We can’t wait to see the awesome science that comes out of the Zhu Group!
Congratulations to Hairong for her Suzuki Postdoctoral Fellowship!
Congratulations to our phenomenal postdoc Dr. Hairong Lyu on winning Suzuki Postdoctoral Fellowship! Way to go!
Dr. Jianchun Wang won the Reaxys PhD Prize!!
Our former graduate student, Dr. Jianchun Wang, is one of the three winners on the Reaxys PhD Prize 2020!! Congratulation!
Congrats Dr. Tatsuhiro!
Congratulations to Dr. Tatsuhiro Tsukamoto for defending his Ph.D.! He will move from mid-west to East-Coast and start his post-doc with Prof. Roy Gordon at Harvard University as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow!
Dr. Jianchun Wang is selected as one of the 2020 Reaxys PhD Prize finalists
Congratulations to our former graduate student Dr. Jianchun Wang for being selected as one of 45 finalists in the 2020 Reaxys PhD Prize! He developed the new norbornene co-catalysts in palladium/norbornene catalysis.
Congratulations Renhe!
Congratulations to our graduate student Renhe Li for being awarded George Van Dyke Tiers Fellowship for Small Molecule Research!
Congrats, Chengpeng and Brent!!
Dong group just produced two more bright scientists: Dr. Chengpeng Wang and Dr. Brent Billett. They both successfully defended their Ph.D. thesis.