Professor James Hevia
“The Uses of Intelligence”
Nov. 4 (Thursday) 4:00-6:00 PM
Place: Pick 105
Professor James Hevia
“The Uses of Intelligence”
Nov. 4 (Thursday) 4:00-6:00 PM
Place: Pick 105
Nianshen Song
“Discourse and Practice in the Tumen River Demarcation”
Oct. 14 (Thursday) 4:00-6:00 PM
Place: John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224)
The paper was available here.
John Person, PhD candidate in EALC
“The Language of Japanism:
Poetry and Politics in the founding of the Genri Nippon Society”
June 10 (Thursday) 4:00-6:00 PM
Place: Social Science Tea Room (SS 201)
The paper was available here.
Bruce Cumings, Professor of International History
“Dominion from Sea to Sea: Pacific Ascendancy and American Power”
Please read the book in preparation for the discussion.
May 27th (Thursday) 4:00-6:00 PM
Place: John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224)
May 10th, 4-6 pm, Social Sciences 224
Prasenjit Duara, Professor of History, National University of Singapore
“Periodizing the Cold War: The Imperialism of Nation-States”
April 22, 4-6 pm, Social Sciences 302
Takashi Fujitani, Professor of History, UCSD
“Koreans as Japanese Soldiers:
Reflections on Inclusionary or Polite Racism in WWII”
January 28, 4-6 pm, Stuart Hall 105
Kim Dong-Choon
Ex-Standing Commissioner of South Korea’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a Professor at SungKongHoe University
“The Work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, ROK (TRCK):
Uncovering the Hidden Stories of the Korean War.”
November 5th, 4-6 pm, Social Sciences 224
Fei-Hsien Wang, University of Chicago History PhD candidate
“Hunting Pirates in Beijing (1930-1937)”
October 29th, 4-6 pm, Social Sciences 224
Grace Chae, University of Chicago History PhD candidate
“Drawing the Leaflet Enemy: Semiotics and the Social History of the Psywarrior Imagination”