Schedule – Autumn 2024

October 3, Thursday, 3.30 – 5 P.M.

Xiuyu Li, graduate of MAPSS program at University of Chicago

“The Uncensored Kokka Gakkai Zasshi: Nambara Shigeru, Maruyama Masao, and the Tōdai Law Faculty in Wartime Japan”

Location: Tea Room at SSRB

October 10, Thursday, 3.30 – 5 P.M.

Yang Zhang, Associate Professor at American University**

“Seeing Like a Sociologist: Studying China through Historical Sociology”

Location: CEAS 319, 1155 E 60th St.

October 24, Thursday, 3.30 – 5 P.M.

Xavier Ante, PhD candidate in History at University of Chicago

“Salesmen for the Empire: Broker-elites and the Incorporation of Indigenous Peoples in the Southwestern Highlands of the Qing”

Location: CEAS 319, 1155 E 60th St.

November 7, Thursday, 3.30 – 5 P.M.

Jiyea Hong, PhD candidate in Anthropology at University of Chicago

“Heritage and Inheritance in Ethnic China”

Location: Tea Room at SSRB

November 13, Wednesday 3.30 – 5 P.M.

Co-hosted with the History and Theory of Capitalism Workshop

Yuting Chen, PhD Candidate in Sociology at University of Chicago

“Historicizing State-led Industrial Upgrading: Social Construction of Expertise and Naval Research-and-Development Process in Early Socialist China (1949-1965)”

Location: John Hope Franklin Room at SSRB

November 21, Thursday, 3.30 – 5 P.M.

Erin Newton, PhD candidate in History at University of Chicago

“Touch, Care, Nurse: an Introduction to Nursing Education and Care Ethics in Twentieth Century Japan”

Location: Tea Room at SSRB

**This event is co-sponsored by the University of Chicago Center for East Asian Studies with support from a Title VI National Resource Center Grant from the United States Department of Education.