Research Cohorts
Cohorts usually meet for 1 hour a week and are expected to produce at least two written pieces of research throughout the academic year as a group. The format and nature of this writing is flexible and depends on the cohort and cohort leaders interests and ambitions.
Full list of the upcoming year’s cohorts descriptions can be found in our recruitment brochure!
Active Cohorts 2018-2019:
- The Future of European Integration (Claire Ren)
- Common Trade and Trade-Offs: European Union Trade Policy (Alex Shura)
- The Periphery: EU-Neighborhood Relations (Jordi Vasquez)
- EU: the Emerging Global Leader (Ozan Akturan)
We always welcome new members who are passionate about a topic – please reach out to us if you would be interested in leading a cohort. We are very proud of the breadth of topics that EUChicago has covered and for inspiration include a list of past cohorts below:
- Comparative Regionalism: EU and Developing Regional Organizations (Wen Li Teng)
- Taxation and the Future of the European Welfare State (Simon Chanezon)
- NATO and the EU (Ozan Akturan and Jordi Vasquez)
- Immigration Policy in the EU (Claire Ren)
- Climate & Energy Policy (Samuel Leiter and Pablo Cruz – Simon Chanezon and Dimitry Karavaikin)
- Cyber Security and Surveillance (Antonia Stefanescu and Angela Seeger)
- The State of the International Liberal Order (Gabe Broshy)
- Education and Healthcare (Addie Duckett)
- EU-Russia Relations (Samuel Leiter)
- Immigration Policy (Claire Ren and Isabelle Charo)
- Influence of Free Trade (Bryan Popoola)
- Turkey’s EU Accession (Ozan Akturan)
- European Debt Problem (Jakob Urda and Zachary Lemonides)
- EU and US Education
- The Effectiveness of EU-imposed Economic Sanctions (Madeleine Ho)
- The EU and International Trade from Uruguay to Present (Alex Nye)
- Gender Wage Inequality across EU Countries (Andrew Xue)
- International Security Challenges in Eastern Europe (Isaac Troncoso)
- Science and Technology in the European Union (Michal Rajski and Alexandra Davis)
- An Independent Scotland and the European Union (Nicholas Romanoff)
- EU and the Global Financial Crisis (Tanvi Sonthalia)
- Cause and Effect Analysis of Nationalism in the EU (Ilgi Cesur and Isabelle Charo)
- Effects of Economic Integration on Smaller European Nations & Challenges to Growth (Bryan Popoola and Dimitry Karavaikin)