Archives for 2020 - Page 2
Reconnecting the Communities by the Great Chicago Rivers
Author: Ninging Lin Program of Study: Master of Public Policy (MPP), Harris School of Public Policy (HAR) Description: Chicago rivers are just like a lens, through it, we can see Chicago’s problems and they also have the capacity to address problems such as segregation and inequality if people leverage this city-wide asset properly, it requires joint efforts from residents,...
Murals in Chicago: an Open Conversation concerning Immigration History, Civil Rights and Cultural Identities
Author: Chuqing (Louisa) Zhao Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) Three years ago, when I first came to the United States, I was deeply impressed by murals. The city is a big and living canvas for people coming from different corners of the world. Paintings on walls...
Boystown: Understand inclusivity from multidimensions
Author: Cao Ruochen Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) Located in the north part of Chicago, Boystown is one of the most renowned LGBTQ neighborhoods in the world. This spot has witnessed the Pride Parades every June for decades since the Stonewall Uprising in 1969. According to...
Finding Chicago – The Rhythm of tango in the City of Chicago
Author: Wei Zhang Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) The Rhythm of tango in the City of Chicago Big cities attract immigrants, searching for a “promising Eden”( Yanes, Gonzalez). In the late 1800s, Argentina’s government depicted such an enchanting picture which drew people living in Europe to...
An Embodiment of Empire: Lincoln Park Conservatory Revisited
Author: Qiyu Yang Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Humanities (MAPH), Division of the Humanities (HUM) A sense of tranquility embraces me when I virtually enter the Lincoln Park Conservatory. The first statue that comes into view – a girl in meditation – guides me to Arcadia. Taro leaves, papyrus and lotus growing out of the...
What Goes Around Comes Around- ‘Reverse Discrimination’ in Chinatown Rental Market
Author: Yier Ling Program of Study: Master in Computational Social Science, Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) Much to many people’s surprise, Chinatown has always been a mystery to me as a Chinese citizen. Despite the same descent and traditional culture I share with Chinatown residents, how they are nurtured and influenced by their local cultures has always confounded...
Pullman: A Time Capsule To The First Industrial Utopia in the United States
Author: Mingyang Sun Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) Heading south along the S Cottage Grove Ave from the University of Chicago by car, within 20 minutes, we will arrive at Pullman, a neighborhood located on Chicago’s south side. The main purpose of our short trip to...