Tag archives for murals


Finding Chicago: The Lost and Found of Lincoln Square Community

Author: Yukun Chen Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) Right after getting off the train at the Western station, a giant mural stood in front of me. Unlike most of the murals I’ve seen in the city, which usually give a sense of street culture, this mural...
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Murals in Chicago: an Open Conversation concerning Immigration History, Civil Rights and Cultural Identities

Author: Chuqing (Louisa) Zhao Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) Three years ago, when I first came to the United States, I was deeply impressed by murals. The city is a big and living canvas for people coming from different corners of the world. Paintings on walls...
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Finding Chicago? Find the Bear Champ!

Author: Yue Yang Program of Study: Master of Laws (LLM), Law School Description: People say that if you live in Chicago, you must have passed by a mural at some point that involves a yellow bear; if you haven’t, then you most likely never leave your neighborhood. This podcast will explore stories behind this giant but cute bear and...
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Feeling Mexican Styles in Pilsen

Author: Minghao Yang Program of Study: Master in Computational Social Science, Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) Pilsen, which refers to either a populous city of Czech, or a renowned type of beer born in Czech, seems to have nothing to do with Mexico or Mexicans; however, Pilsen in Chicago is an exception, with Mexican ingredients building up its...
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