Tag archives for gentrification
Finding Chicago: The Lost and Found of Lincoln Square Community
Author: Yukun Chen Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) Right after getting off the train at the Western station, a giant mural stood in front of me. Unlike most of the murals I’ve seen in the city, which usually give a sense of street culture, this mural...
The Identity of Pilsen—Spanish Language Presence, Cultural Appropriation, and Gentrification
Author: Yuxin Fan Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Humanities (MAPH), Division of the Humanities (HUM) For any visitors to neighborhoods formed by an ethnic diaspora, they must have been greeted by the profusion of street names and shop signs in foreign languages. Indeed, racial minority groups tend to congregate when migrating to a new place....