Tag archives for baseball


Cubs vs. White Sox: How do Chicagoans love baseball?

Author: Ryota Shimizu Program of Study: Master of Science in Computational Analysis and Public Policy (MSCAPP), Harris School of Public Policy Description: I will compare the two Major League Baseball teams in Chicago—the Cubs and the White Sox—by analyzing their distinct cultures and traditions as observed in their respective ballparks, Wrigley Field and Guaranteed Rate Field. Listen here:   ...
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Connection in terms of Baseball between Chicago and Japan

Author: Shodai Hasebe Program of Study: Master of Public Policy (MPP), Harris School of Public Policy (HAR) Description: In both Chicago and Japan, baseball are one of the most popular sports. Surprisingly, Chicago and Japan have had strong connection in terms of baseball from over 100 years ago. I’d like to discuss what kinds of connection they have, how...
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