Tag archives for chicago


Resonance on Becoming: Old Town, Carmy Berzatto & ME in Chicago

Author: Haokun Fu Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) This article is a discussion of the possible resonance of the three objects in the title. Old Town exists on a spatial level of physics. It is a relatively inconspicuous presence in downtown Chicago: The top thirty recommended attractions...
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Finding Chicago: The Lost and Found of Lincoln Square Community

Author: Yukun Chen Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) Right after getting off the train at the Western station, a giant mural stood in front of me. Unlike most of the murals I’ve seen in the city, which usually give a sense of street culture, this mural...
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“Searching for a Taste of Home: From Peru to Chicago and beyond”

Author: Ricardo M. Rizo Patrón Program of Study: Master of Law (LLM), Law School Description: In order to experience a taste from home, I began searching for Peruvian restaurants in Chicago. As will I explain in my podcast, not only my fellow countrymen, but people from all over the world living in the Windy City, as well as born...
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Chicago’s Infrastructure Development: Problem, Awareness and Solution

Author: Chengxi (Ace) Yang Program of Study: PhD in Chemistry, Physical Sciences Division (PSD) Description: The podcast provides a brief review of how infrastructure in Chicago developed throughout history. It also discusses how the construction of public utility shapes people’s awareness and activities. Listen here: Transcript (provided by author): Welcome to ELI’s Finding Chicago Global Perspectives Podcast Series for...
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Milwaukee Express: A Summer Fantasy

Author: Tianyang Fu Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) There is something about arriving. Arriving somewhere you have never been to. When you step out of the plane, the train, or whatever transportation you use, the air is different: different in the color of the sky, the...
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Refugees In Chicago

Author: Haoming Liang Program of Study: Master of Public Policy (MPP), Harris School of Public Policy (HAR) Description: We are in the midst of the biggest refugee crisis the world has ever seen. At the end of 2020, more than 80 million people around the globe were displaced by war and oppression. Since Chicago is one of the main...
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Automation might widen the racial income gap in Chicago

Author: Aizhan Mukhyshbayeva Program of Study: Master of Science in Computational Analysis and Public Policy (MSCAPP), Harris School of Public Policy (HAR) Description: Automation could hit black workers in Chicago harder than other groups and further widen the racial income gap. Listen here:    Transcript (provided by author): Welcome to the ELI’s Finding Chicago Global Perspectives Podcast Series for...
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From Monroe St. to Louisville: When Moral Obligations become Radical Acts

Author: Nioshi Shah Program of Study: Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), Division of the Social Sciences (SSD) As you take a (virtual) tour down West Monroe Street in the city of Chicago, you might walk past a modern-looking bricked building. It looks as simple as any other building in the lane and is easy to...
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Traffic Jams in Chicago

Author: Maolin Wang Program of Study: PhD in Chemistry, Physical Sciences Division (PSD) Description: The traffic situation in Chicago has gradually deteriorated in recent years and it has become the top three congested cities in the US. What are the reasons for it, what impact will it bring to the public and how can people deal with it? Listen...
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High tax rate in Chicago

Author: Hong Qiao Program of Study: PhD in Molecular Engineering, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) Description: Is the tax killing Chicagoans? In this podcast, I’d like to talk about the high tax rate in Chicago. How does it influence people’s life? What are the reasons behind it and what we can do about it? Is the tax friendly...
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