Tag archives for chicagohistory


Haymarket Affair -Its Influence to Chicago’s Labor Movements Today-

Author: Kosuke Sato Program of Study: Master of Public Policy (MPP), Harris School of Public Policy (HAR) Description: Do you know about the labor movement tragedy that occurred 130 years ago in Chicago? This podcast will provide you with information about the Haymarket Affair in Chicago in 1896 and the impact it has on the modern Chicago labor movement....
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Chicago’s Infrastructure Development: Problem, Awareness and Solution

Author: Chengxi (Ace) Yang Program of Study: PhD in Chemistry, Physical Sciences Division (PSD) Description: The podcast provides a brief review of how infrastructure in Chicago developed throughout history. It also discusses how the construction of public utility shapes people’s awareness and activities. Listen here: Transcript (provided by author): Welcome to ELI’s Finding Chicago Global Perspectives Podcast Series for...
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How Gangsters in History Influenced the City Of Chicago

Author: Guofu Liu Program of Study: Master of Public Policy (MPP), Harris School of Public Policy (HAR) Description: Chicago was once infamous for its gangsters, though most of the mobs vanished, their legacies still influenced the city a lot. Listen here:    References: http://www.historyrocket.com/Biography/al-capone/How-Did-Al-Capone-Influence-Our-Society.html https://timeline.com/chicago-murder-violence-48a71c395640?gi=23d49f630857 https://www.1920s-fashion-and-music.com/jazz-in-1920s.html https://www.jstor.org/stable/3786412?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents http://www.organized-crime.de/lauhtm01.htm https://film.avclub.com/america-s-gangland-how-chicago-became-a-cultural-capit-1798259723 https://www.wbez.org/shows/curious-city/history-of-violence-chicago-during-the-capone-era-and-today/6bff3ad9-097a-42e8-ac23-bc90d83d5bdb https://www.greatamericancountry.com/places/local-life/chicago-how-the-gangster-era-shaped-the-city https://chicago.suntimes.com/2018/6/11/18405967/social-media-altering-chicago-street-gang-culture-fueling-violence...
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