2019-2020 Incubator: Science of Scaling



The Science of Scaling in Early Childhood

For the duration of the 2019-2020 academic year, the Griffin Applied Economics Incubator was dedicated to advancing the science of scaling evidence-based interventions, with an emphasis on early childhood interventions.

What is the science of scaling and why was it selected as the focus of the inaugural Incubator? The animated video below and this FAQ document illustrate why it is crucial that researchers and policymakers come together to tackle the challenges and harness the power of scaling. 

Conceptualized and executed by the TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health in partnership with the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, the Incubator supported the translation of ambitious and policy-relevant early childhood research into the realm of real-world, scalable application.

To this end, the Incubator awarded  research grants to UChicago faculty and students; compiled and edited an in-depth volume on the science of scaling in early childhood; solicited and edited papers for a special issue of the Journal of Political Economy; hosted a diverse group of world-renowned scholars as Incubator visitors; and hosted more than a dozen convenings ranging from intimate workshops to large conferences.

Learn more by visiting the Publications, Events, Visitors, and Research Grants pages.


2019-2020 Advisory Board

John List

Dr. Dana Suskind
Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics Director, Pediatric Cochlear Implantation Program; Co-Director, TMW Center for Early Learning + Public Health; Founder and Director, Thirty Million Words Initiative; Founder and Director, Project ASPIRE

Susan Goldin-Meadow
The Beardsley Ruml Distinguished Service Professor in the Departments of Psychology, Comparative Human Development, the College, and the Committee on Education

Ariel Kalil
Professor, Harris School of Public Policy; Director, Center for Human Potential and Public Policy (CHPPP); Director, Behavioral Insights and Parenting lab

Susan C. Levine
The Rebecca Anne Boylan Professor in Education and Society, Department of Psychology

Stephen W. Raudenbush
The Lewis-Sebring Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Sociology, the College, and the Harris School of Public Policy; Chairman, Committee on Education




Research Grants