Monday, January 12, 4:30-6:0pm (Swift 106): Cathleen Chopra-McGowan, PhD student in Hebrew Bible, will be presenting a paper entitled “The Trees of the Field are not Human” An examination of Deut 20:19-20.”
Wednesday, February 11, 4:30-6:0pm (Swift 106), Technology Exchange: This is a chance for us to share with each other bits of knowledge about useful computer programs for our research. There will be at least four of us presenting on five different programs or aspects of programs: Nisus (a word processor), Accordance, Preview, Bookends, and ArcGIS (an archaeology/mapping program). There may also be some time for informal presentations and discussions about other programs.
Wednesday, February 25, 4:30-6:00pm (Swift 106), Liane Marquis, PhD student in Hebrew Bible, will be presenting a paper entitled “Narrative and Ritual in the Inauguration of the Priestly Tabernacle.”
Monday, March 9, 4:30-6:00pm (Swift 106), Drew Burlingame, PhD student in NELC, will be presenting a paper entitled “A New Reading of the ʿAmmān Citadel Inscription.”