Fall 2023 Schedule

October 4 (Week 2)
“Yahweh’s Command of Light and Fire: P’s Principal Image of Divine Hegemony”
Aslan Cohen Mizrahi


October 6 (Week 2, Friday) at 1pm over Zoom
Library Resources for Students in Bible, Reception, and Jewish Studies
Dr. Anne Knafl
with the Early Christian Studies Workshop

Recording: https://uchicago.zoom.us/rec/share/lx5knMi1LYpDGqVMDL9C1W1kjVSgOZMctkQFC-DcUf4dR8fnAxqSuu31dM0pHxs0.YTgm7kuJp9aBCEhM

October 11 (Week 3) at 6pm over Zoom
Accordance Software Q&A
Ryan Mudge, Accordance Representative


October 25th (Week 5)
“Deuteronomic Textuality in Critical Scholarship and Ancient Media”
Dr. Mark Lester, Instructor in the Department of Theology, Loyola University Chicago


November 15 (Week 8) <- note the date change!
“Sinners, Seductresses, and Sirens: The Many Faces of Female Wickedness”
Dr. Erin Galgay Walsh
with the Early Christian Studies Workshop


December 6 (Week 10)
“Why does YHWH Reverse Job’s Fortunes a Second Time?: Divine Motivation and the End of Job”
David B. Ridge
(Note: This will be a virtual/hybrid presentation. Details will follow closer to the event.)

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