Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities

Applications for ISHum are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please see the Program Requirements page and the ISHum Application for information on applying.
Program Requirements

Please note that the Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities major will be under review by a faculty committee during the 2019–20 academic year. While the program structure and curriculum are reevaluated, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities will not be accepting applications to the major. For current program members, those in the Classes of 2019 and 2020, the major requirements will remain the same. Information about the future of the program will be announced upon completion of the review, and no new students will be accepted in the meantime. For discussion of complementary programs of study, please see your College adviser.


Currently enrolled University of Chicago undergraduates interested in majoring in ISHum should review the Program Requirements and submit a completed application form to ISHum Contacts.