Working Group Session 3
Saturday, Nov 22nd (9 am – 6 pm)
- 8:45am-9am: Arrival and coffee/tea
- 9:15-9:45: Working Group Progress & Update- Dr. Aasim
- 9:45-10:45: A Review of Islamic Epistemological Terms from Retreat 1 –Sh. Omar
- 10:45-12: Considerations of harm: The concept of darar, dirar and its related qawaid – Sh. Jihad
- 12:15-1:15: Zuhr and lunch break
- 1:20-2pm: Fiqh al Muwazanat: A Theory of Balancing Benefits/Harms- Us. Taha
- 2- 3pm: Masalaha and Manfaa- A Hanafi Theory of Benefit in Islamic Law; Critique of Maqasidi Approaches for Normativity- Sh. Amin
- 3-3:15: Asr break
- 3:20-4:30: Group work on Paper 1- Break up into groups and write paragraphs & map terms
- 4:30-4:50: Maghrib Break & Coffee/Tea
- 5:10-6:00: Levels of existence and classification of sciences in Miftah al-sa’adah- Dr. Muhammad
Sunday, April 23rd (9:15am – 4pm)
- 9am- Arrival and coffee/tea
- 9:15-10am: The Essentials: Clarifying Darurah, Hajjiyat, Tahsiniyaat & A Conception of the Human- Sh. Omar
- 10-11am: What is the Human (Bashr)- Body & Soul or Ensouled Body- Sh. Amin
- 11:15-12: Group Discussion
- 12-1pm: Ontology of the Soul- Points of Departure within the Tradition- Sh. Jihad
- 1- 2: Zuhr and lunch break
- 2-3: Moderated Group Discussion on Paper 2: Ontology- Dr. Ahsan
- 3-3:15: Asr break
- 3:15-4:00: Group discussion on timeline and next steps for retreat #4