Working Group Session 1


  1. Review the major concepts regarding types of knowledge related to the Ash’ari and Maturidi doctrinal schools
  2. Review the epistemiological theories of Ghazali, Farabi and Ibn Rushd related to the evaluation of ‘scientific’ data 
  3. Generate a conceptual mapping of terms related to knowledge in usul al-fiqh (epistemic authority and evidence)
  4. Introduce the ‘types’ of modern scientific knowledge and the methodology

Draft Agenda

Saturday April 12th (9-6):

  • 9:15-10am: Introduction to Working Group [method & rubric] & Logistical Matters – Dr. Aasim
  • 10-10:30:  How we got here: A history of the 2 core questions of the project & Proposed Outputs – Aasim 10:30-11:  Open discussion
  • 11-1:  Reflections on how to address the 2 questions, gaps in knowledge related to the questions and implications for Islamic theology & biomedicine when questions are answered in a certain way-  Each member of the group (20 min)
  • 1-2: Zuhr break and lunch
  • 2-3:  Mu’tazilite Epistemological Frameworks (revelation, reason, empiricism)- Sh. Omar Qureshi
  • 3:00-3:10- Break
  • 3:10-4: Maturidi Epistemological Frameworks (revelation, reason, empiricism)- Shaykh Amin
  • 4-4:45: Ash’ari Epistemological Frameworks (revelation, reason, empiricism)- Us. Taha Abdul Basser
  • 4:45-5:15- Break
  • 5:15-6: Comparing & Contrasting the views & Conceptual Definitions- Group Discussion
  • 6pm- Asr
  • 7:45-9pm: Dinner at local restaurant

Sunday April 13th (11-530p):

  • 11-11:45: Ghazalian Classification of Knowledge – Sh. Omar Qureshi
  • 12-12:45: Ibn Rushd’s Classification of Knowledge –Sh. Omar Qureshi
  • 12:45-1:45- Zuhr & Lunch
  • 1:45-2:30- Group Discussion of the classifications and points of departure
  • 2:30-3:15- Review of Concepts regarding knowledge in law, ethics, and evidence- Us. Taha Abdul Basser
  • 3:15-4: Types of science and methodology (social science, medical, metaphysics, theological)- Dr. Ahsan
  • 4-4:15- Break
  • 4:15- 5:30- Group discussion on next steps and assignments
  • 5:30- Asr followed by departure.