Working Group Session 3 Readings

  • Peruse the readings for this retreat located below
  • Please prepare your remarks for the assigned talks by reviewing the readings and/or your own sources; powerpoints or outline-notes of our talks are preferred so we each can have them (please send prior for me to copy and circulate or bring copies to the retreat)
Islamic Theology & Cosmology The Soul Islam & Neuroethics Islamic Philosophy   The Muslim World: The Ontology of the Soul in Medieval Arabic Thought
Dallal, Chp 8: Islamic Paradigms for the Relationship between Science and Religion Bakar, Chp5: The Atomistic Conception of Nature in Ash’arite Theology Moosa, Translating Neuroethics: Reflections from Muslim Ethics Leaman, Chp5: Ontology  Shihadeh, Ontology of the Soul 
  Al-attas, Chp4: The Nature of Man and the Psychology of the Human Soul Al-Delaimy, Ethical Concepts and Future Challenges of Neuroimaging Leaman, Chp6: Ethics Gutas, Avicenna: The Metaphysics of the Rational Soul
  Ward, Chp6: The Big Questions in Science and Religion Qazi, The degree of certainty in brain death: probability in clinical and Islamic legal discourse   Madelung, Ibn al-Malāḥimī on the Human Soul
  Gianotti, Chp2: Al-Ghazali’s Unspeakable Doctrine of the Soul Magnus, Accepting Brain Death   Shihadeh, Classical Ash‘arī Anthropology: Body, Life and Spirit
  McGinnis, Chp4: Psychology 1: Soul and the Senses Carter, Does Consciousness depend on the Brain?   Adamson & Pormann, More than Heat and Light: Miskawayh’s Epistle on Soul and Intellect
        Sebti, The Ontological Link between Body and Soul in Bahmanyār’s Kitāb al-Taḥṣīl
        Kukkonen, Receptive to Reality: Al-Ghazālī on the Structure of the Soul
        Janssens, Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī on the Soul: A Critical Approach to Ibn Sīnā
        Taylor, Averroes on the Ontology of the Human Soul
        Muehlethaler, Revising Avicenna’s Ontology of the Soul: Ibn Kammūna on the Soul’s Eternity a Parte Ante*