Warum Rollstuhlfahrer mehr für den Mechaniker zahlen müssen derStandard (German), September 09, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF Wer in einem Rollstuhl zum Mechaniker kommt und sein Auto reparieren lassen möchte, bekommt eine höhere Rechnung als jemand ohne Gehbehinderung....
Finding Energy Efficiency in an Unexpected Place – The Cockpit Energy Institute at Haas, June 27, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF I suspect that most energy economists think there are more unexploited opportunities for energy efficiency in homes than in firms. Firms are...
Behavioural economics can nudge pilots into boosting fuel and carbon efficiency, finds Virgin Atlantic study Greenair Online, June 24, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF Behavioural economics could be one of the most cost-effective ways of achieving fuel and carbon efficiency...
Virgin Atlantic is using new behavioral science research to train pilots to save fuel Quartz, June 23, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF A new study found that Virgin Atlantic Airways pilots used less fuel when they were told their usage was being monitored, a striking...