in Alejo Carpentier’s El siglo de las luces“
Colonial Mexico“
Jean Vallejo González (PhD Candidate in Romance Languages and Literatures)
Dear WLAC community,
We’d like to announce our call for papers for anyone interested in presenting their work this academic year. If you would like to present, please send us a working title and brief description of what the piece is (e.g. a dissertation chapter, proposal, an MA thesis, etc.), a short (200-300 words) summary of the project, and indicate the quarter in which you would like to present. Please email your submission to wlac.uchicago@gmail.com. If you wish to present in the Autumn quarter, we recommend sending in your abstract as soon as possible.
While we plan to hold most of our workshop sessions in person, we maintain the option of having Zoom sessions at the request of our presenters, while also keeping open the possibility of entirely virtual sessions if circumstances require it.
Workshop Description
The Workshop on Latin America and the Caribbean is an interdisciplinary forum and intellectual community for graduate students and faculty across the Humanities and Social Sciences who are interested in the literature, history, and politics of the region. The workshop welcomes participants who write and present in languages spoken in the region, Spanish, Portuguese, and French, in addition to English. In this multi-linguistic and inter-disciplinary space, PhD students, faculty, and invited guests are able to share research and discuss their work-in-progress with regional specialists from multiple departments across the University. Although regionally focused, the workshop also encourages hemispheric or transnational approaches that situate Latin American countries in their relationship with other places of the globe, including the U.S.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, the workshop will be meeting in person on Thursdays from 5:00 to 6:30 pm, in Pick 118. Upon the request of our presenters, workshop sessions can also take place virtually on Zoom. Email announcements will indicate which sessions are virtual and which are in person. Meetings alternate with those of the Latin American History Workshop.
COVID-19 Statement
In-person sessions will be open to all invitees regardless of vaccination status and, because of ongoing health risks to the unvaccinated, those are unvaccinated are expected to adopt the risk mitigation measures advised by public health officials (masking and social distancing, etc.). Public convening may not be safe for all and carries a risk for contracting COVID-19, particularly for those unvaccinated. Participants will not know the vaccination status of others and should thus follow appropriate risk mitigation measures.
Faculty Sponsors
Agnes Lugo-Ortiz, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Carlos Halaburda, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Graduate Student Coordinators
Azucena Garza, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Ricardo Soler, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures