
For the 2016-2017 academic year, the workshop was co-coordinated by Juan Diego Mariátegui and Agnes Mondragón Celis-Ochoa.

Autumn 2016

September 29: Beginning of the Year Reception for the Workshop on Latin America and the Caribbean and the Latin American History Workshop

October 4: Rachel Galvin, Assistant Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago, “Flesh Made Word: César Vallejo and the Spanish Civil War”

October 20: Carly Bertrand, Comparative Human Development, “False memories? the role of historical memory and the human rights movement in shaping youth civic engagement in Argentina”

November 11: Alex Fattal, Assistant Professor in the Department of Film-Video and Media Studies at Pennsylvania State University, “The Good Life Deferred, or Risks of Remobilization” (Co-sponsored with the Latin American History Workshop; Please note that this session will be held on a Friday)

November 17: Milena Ang, Department of Political Science, “Ruling through scandal: Authoritarian motives and democratic accountability”

November 29: BA/MA Session I: Robyn Taylor-Neu, Adela Zhang, María López Portillo, Marcus McGee & Josh Mayer. This special workshop will be held on a Tuesday in the MAPSS Lounge located at 5730 S Woodlawn.

Winter 2017

January 5: Maggie Borowitz, Department of Art History, “Vast Territory / Small Object: Cildo Meireles’ Processes of Condensation”

January 19: Rachel Price, Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Princeton University, “Energy in the Work of Loló Soldevilla”

February 2: Meghan Morris, Department of Anthropology, “Speculative Fields: Property in the Shadow of the Post-Conflict”

February 16: Yuna Blajer, Department of Political Science, “Trust Me, I’m Carmelo: Roots of Social Trust in Weak-State Democracies”

March 2: Ebenezer Concepción, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, “Performing Inverted Masculinities: Alfonso Hernández-Catá’s La juventud de Aurelio Zaldívar and El ángel de Sodoma

Spring 2017

March 30: Danielle Roper, Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, “Impersonating La Negrita: Afro-Colombian Women in Blackface.”

April 13: Alysia Mann Carey, Department of Political Science, “‘I felt the hand of the government in my womb’: Black women, police violence, and intimacy in Brazil”

April 27: Karma Frierson, Department of Anthropology, “Practicing Lo Nuestro: Sincere Objectifications of Blackness in Veracruz, Mexico”

May 11: Matt Furlong, Department of Anthropology, “The National Suture: Mexican Mass Housing Rehabilitation and the Clientelism/Democratization Axis”

May 25: Jorge Lefevre, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, “José María Heredia y la emergencia del indianismo en las Antillas”